I asked this yesterday w/ no response. My question is, what do I do about cleaning up
after my dog when I take him to the park and he has loose #2's? I feel rude leaving it but it
is almost impossible to clean up too!!
I clean up as much as I can with a bag or two...than if they have water, or if there is water left over from what I take for my dogs...I try and rinse the area with the water so no one is stepping in it.
Use 2 bags at once to keep your fingers from going through it. Like Todd said, take up as much grass as you can. Nothing else can really be done. If there is dirt or rocks nearby, you can try and cover up what you can't get.
It happens to us all... at one time or another....We are lucky at our dog park...they supply bags all over the place and water from April to October. Once Hannah went and another dog at the same time..his poop was runny..her's not...the owner cleaned up after him...but cleaned Hannah's and left his mess for me...of course I couldnt find hers..and they said to me...just clean up someone else's it all balances out? Honestly didn't know what to think..on one had they are right...but should I have been left with the task of cleaning up a runny poop from another dog...when my own dogs are not.
Michele, I saw your question yesterday but you put it in your status update (on your page where it says "whats' on your mind?)...so there was no 'place' to respond as it only showed up briefly in our latest activity feed =)
Yes, it's like a maze at first, isn't it! So the status update on your page is just a way to share a few words on what you're doing...thinking. It appears on YOUR page for when your friends or other members are visiting...AND (unless you change your settings) it appears on our front page in the Latest Activity (list of the latest things people have done on the site such as respond to discussions, join, etc). So then members who are online and looking at what's new will see your status update and might even go to your page to respond, but the status update thing is BRAND new so some don't really know what to do with it yet =)