From doing a search I know that many are using Comfortis. Our vet has suggested that we begin using it on Bailey (now five months old and 16 Lbs). He did a sample at the beginning of February and seemed tom tolerate it fine. I am nor sure if it is really needed because I am not sure how prevalent fleas and ticks are on the California Central Coast; however, my question is for those using Comfortis over a period of time - do you give it each month (as recommended) and have you noticed anything over the long-term use of it?
That is a good point. I was ordering my Heartgard from Foster and Smith, and then I started getting product that was almost certainly would have been past the expiration date before it was all used. I'm sure a lot of people don't even think to check the date on the package. I'm going to get it from my vet from now on...the little bit of savings isn't worth the risk.