Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yeti was making a weird noise most of yesterday and practically ALL night last night. I've never had a dog so I'm not sure if it's coughing or what. It sounds like our cats when they used to cough up hair balls (or try to at least). To my knowledge he isn't getting anything out. He was doing it at least a couple times every hour it seemed like. Any idea what it could be?

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Awesome! Thank you guys so much! I will update after our appointment!

Bordatella i.e. kennel cough.  Even if they are immunized, they can get it.  Mine have.  Take Yeti to the vet.

I always err on the side of going to the vet.

Well we took him to the vet earlier! He has an upper respiratory virus. She put us on a cough suppressant and an antibiotic! She thought he would be feeling better in a couple of days! He sounds so miserable I feel so sad :(

I hope he feels better soon. 

I'm so glad you got him properly diagnosed.  We were all wrong in our armchair diagnoses.  Sending wishes for a speedy recovery.

Yeti ~ get well soon!

Thank you all so so much! We gave him his first dose of medicine last night and I believe he slept much better than the night before. He is still coughing a little but not nearly as bad. My best friends German shepherd came down with the same thing. Looks like it'll be awhile (if ever) before we go back to the dog park.



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