Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OMG I was so upset this Shiloh is big enough to counter surf...and we are working on that. But this morning he did something even son left a half filled bowl of beef-a-roni (gross, i know) in the sink overnight. This morning I got Fenway and Shiloh out of their crates and took them potty....then went for my shower, leaving them in the kitchen to eat their breakfast. Shiloh got the bowl of beef-a-roni out of the sink and got it to the floor where the two of them devoured beef-a-roni beards and slimey floor, ugh! Not to mention he normally has a sensitive tummy and I don't let him have anything other than his own food. Guess it's a good lesson in dishes left in the sink....I just never dreamed he would reach in there and get something out!

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I always had small dogs so this was never an issue. However, Max even being a mini LD has just about reached the height of the counter and he isn't full grown yet. Last night my husband was grilling burgers. I made the patties and placed them on the counter for him to start grilling. Max tried to reach them and started moaning for them. I'm afraid in time he will be able to get to the counter and swipe something. It will be interesting to see responses to this problem. I'm using "leave it" and "off" for now but, I think a burger would win out to my command - LOL.

Sadly I feel your pain! LOL Gaston-Cramer tried his hand (or shall we say paws!) at sink diving this weekend! He devored two brand new sponges! Granted, he was kind enough not to eat them but he shredded them to bits! LOL We've NEVER had actual "surfing" before with our other large dogs. They'd just stick their noses up and look around. This (seemingly) doodle trait of actual surfing is a new one for us! LOL We're going to try a jar of pennies and shake it when we see him go up and see if that breaks this habit. GC doesn't do it all the time so we're not as watchful as we should be. He snuck a nibble out of a cheesecake slice last night so maybe he's getting a bit more adventurous.....either that or he likes cheesecake as much as we do! LOL
LOL, been there done that! I walked into the kitchen one morning as Buddy was lapping up the sitting water in a dish left overnight in the sink. Gross, gross, gross!
One of my funniest memories of my beloved first dog, Nolan (in heaven now), was a little sink diving escapade. He was a husky--Enough said for any of you who know husky temperament. I left for work, left my bowl in the sink from breakfast with milk from my cereal in it. I pulled out of the garage, got to the end of the block and remembered that I had left something at home. So I went back, walked in through the garage door...into the kitchen with my husky STANDING IN THE SINK...ALL FOUR FEET IN THE SINK, lapping the milk out of the bowl. does Houdini do this? I'll never know, but boy did I laugh when he "froze" with his beautiful blue eyes staring at me like "u-oh" Doodles aren't the only creative sink divers!
Terri, that's hilarious!!!!
OMG...............I would have NEVER thought that either. I don't think Giada is that big though.
Samantha - so far - has not figured out the counter surfer game but my Beardie, Maggie who passed away 7+ years ago, had an obsession for chicken. She just could not help herself. From the garbage (the only thing she ever hit the trash for) to even stealing a FROZEN, whole, still in the plastic, Perdue Oven Stuffer. I left for work with the chicken in the kitchen sink defrosting. Came home and thought I lost my mind. I knew I left it to defrost. I tore my refrigerator and freezer apart looking for it. I found the plastic wrapping and a couple of splintered bones in her pen and a very, very sorry Beardie with the saddest eyes just barely looking at me. I look back at with such a smile!
I previously had a golden that would scour the sink for raw, partially frozen meat I was thawing for dinner. Yuk. She was a rescue and I never could break her of the habit. Also had a male golden who would steal food from the counter and trash - but only on "unsuspecting guests". They would make a sandwich, go to put the mustard away, turn back around and you get it- food was gone. Never solved that either. My five month old doodle is responding well to "leave it", especially when treat-rewarded after a successful leave-it. This is working to keep him out of my front fountain, away from a dead bird in the road, and so far - from stuff in the house that may appeal, regardless of the locale. I have noticed him 'surfing" the empty toilets recently though, fascinated by these giant water bowls, so I suspect he may make an attempt to have a good long drink one day if I dont close the lid or catch him doing it! Cant wait to read others' ideas!



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