Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Ahhh, crate training...
Our nemesis right now. Marley has had a couple "good" nights where he only cried/barked for a little while. Most nights he's vocal for quite a while. We play classical music and I also have my BT speaker on top of his crate playing "in the womb" sounds from the Deep Sleep app on my phone. We thought it would be a good idea to keep him crated in the utility room where my other 2 dogs sleep. But their presence does not seem to pacify Marley. I have seen that some keep the crate in their bedroom with them overnight. We may have to try this method as nobody gets sleep when Marley's wailing (pun intended). Any suggestions would be helpful from the community.
We started out with our puppy sleeping in a crate close enough that she could see us, and we could put our fingers in the crate to pacify her. We really didn't have any fussing after the first night, and even that didn't last long. After three weeks of sleeping within sight of one of her humans, we now have her sleeping in the crate in the same room, but out of eyesight, and she is fine with that. We also used a snuggle puppy with her, with a heat pack and heartbeat sounds, for the first week. Now she still has the snuggle puppy without all of that, but still seems to like to sleep with it.
Thanks Lisa & Sunny for the Snuggle Puppy recommendation. I have one arriving today via Amazon. Thanks to Prime membership for super fast delivery!
Last night was a good night. I did some research on crate training and I think we are on our way to better sleep and a happier pup when crated. This video helped immensely. After starting this training last evening and into bedtime, Marley was quiet and slept from around 11pm til 5am.
After his last potty trip I led him into his crate and after I went out of sight he began to whine as he usually does. I gave him a few minutes while I brushed my teeth to settle which he didn't. I returned to the crate and gave the side a slap and sternly said "NO". He sat, then laid down and was quiet for about 15 minutes. He started whining a bit so I repeated the slap and a stern "NO" and he was quiet til 5am. I thought the slap on the crate would scare him but it doesn't seem to do that. It actually settles him down and let's him know that his current behavior is not acceptable. I have seen a few trainers online mention this technique but I was hesitant to try it. But, I have to say, it actually works.
I know we have a long way to go but after almost a week of very little sleep I finally feel we are making progress in crate training. I just expected Marley to respond the same way our other doggies did but every pup is different.
Aww, I hope Marley likes his Snuggle Puppy! I'm glad you found something that is helping Marley settle down in his crate. Is he still in the utility room with the other dogs?
I called it the utility room but it is actually the laundry room. Utility room just sounds like a gloomy dark dungeon. The laundry room has been painted and updated before my master bathroom, lol. My wife likes a pretty laundry room.
But, yes, still in the laundry room. I really didn't want to have to transition him back to the laundry room from the bedroom later on.
It will certainly be easier in the long run if he becomes accustomed to sleeping where you want him to sleep. If he stayed quiet for six hours last night, then things must be headed in the right direction :)
You can also try this method--seems to work well--sit with your back to the crate with a blanket over you-do not say anything or look at the pup...sit quietly until he quiets down for five minutes or so--then sneak off but leave the blanket behind--he will think you are still there.
I think that getting your dog's crate near your bed will actually work because your dog will be able to sense your presence and he will feel safe.
There are these furnitures like crates that you might be interested in checking out which could really work like an end table and a crate and that way your pup could sleep in your bedroom without taking up so much space. You can check them out here: Dog Crates , The one I am talking about is at the bottom of the article and you can see how it looks like :)
Another thing you can do is get yourself a soft crate and easily carry your pet with you. This can be helpfull in a way for you to train your dog te be without your supervision during the night more and more by having him in a room with you but taking him in your utility room after some time and increasing the intervals every 2 to 3 days. Eventually he would get used to :)
Hope I helped! :)
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