Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have the I want to try it!   We have a wonderful "retired" railroad bed that runs right behind our property for several miles...and have enjoyed cross country skiing there for years.    Banjo and I have used this trail for walks and I really want to try skiing with him.     He isn't "off leash" and so I'll need to have him "attached" to me.    In my research I see there are special harnesses and a special belt.....I'm wondering if this is necessary....has anyone here in DK tried x-country skiing with their dog?

And, what / how have you done it?    

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I would be interested in this too    my DH and I love to cross country
This the voice of experience speaking I also love to cross country ski. Depending where we are skiing I will let Quincy off leash as he is great and never goes far ahead nor does he go out of my sight but mostly we ski at one of our local campgrounds where the trails are groomed and dogs have to be on leash. Mostly Quincy is quite happy trotting along beside me especially since it is a little faster pace, ahhh, but then there are the woodland creatures and Quincy will quickly pull in that direction. After a sprained ankle from getting tangled in my skis when Mr. Q pulled me over sideways I tried the gentle leader nose harness. It was magic, even if he saw something of interest he would never pull enough to affect my balance. Quincy loves to go skiing and he especially likes the downhill sections and I have to admit those are my favorite too. The park we ski at has about 5 kms of groomed trails and we usually do it twice that equals 6 miles and lots of good clean fun. I did look at the special belt but it was expensive and looping a longer leash around your waist would accomplish the same thing. I can't wait for some snow so we can get out.

Thanks so much for this infor Donna!   OUCH to your sprained ankle!!!   Our trail is hardly used....but it is the little woodland distractions that I'm afraid of.   I think the harness I've seen is overkill....I don't expect Banjo to "pull" me ....I'd like this to be more of a fast paced walk....which I know he would LOVE!    I'm going to order the GL nose harness today!.......One more ? you attach his line to yourself somehow?

I can't wait to get out there!

I usually just hold the leash in my hand with the ski pole or put it over my wrist whichever feels more comfortable.
Now - THAT sounds fun!  I never skied in my life - not downhill nor cross country, but I have visions of Banjo pulling you like a sled dog!  Have fun!  Can't wait to see some of the great pictures I am sure you will take!  What fun parents Banjo has!  He is one lucky dood!
Shelly, It's never TOO late to try!   I didn't ski til I was forty.  I'm a slow learner and not very daring.....I spent two years on the bunny slope!   Now I'm comfortable on almost all terrain.
We love cross country skiing and we had enough snow last year that we could go right outside our door in the nearby fields. I was not brave enough to take Fudge as she is not always the best leash walker. I had visions of me being pulled through the fields with no brakes. Maybe we will try the harness, like Donna suggested. Donna, you sound braver than me on XC skis. I don't like the hills much anymore. Plus with Vern now, it would be like a sled race and he is so much stronger than Fudge. Good luck and here's to lots of snow!!!


I tried snowboarding last year with Welly. It was hilarious! We hardly ever have 'proper' snow here, so it was a one off thing. I took my board to a big hill and tried traversing across it with Welly. He was convinced that he was meant to catch me so it went something like this...


Slide...... THUD.... (spitting snow out of mouth and).... Slide......THUD ect ect


Welly found this vastly amusing - as did my friends =)



If we had proper snow and proper trails I would love to try cross country skiing with him. We go jogging together and he loves that. Please get some pictures and post them on here!!!!!

This was taken last year after a snowstorm so nice fresh snow. It was taken at our local golf course and Quincy was off leash, he had a
Awww....This is a great photo...of BOTH of you!!!!  Quincy looks so happy!!!    Ok poles???
I'm not that good, there were poles they just weren't in the pic.

Hi Carol,


What you are describing sounds like skijoring.There are many sites online about the sport and sources for the equipment.

Just google skijoring, you'll find out much more.

My sister had cross country skis and a few years ago her family surprised her for Christmas with the equipment for her doodle. She and Guster can now enjoy the experience together. 



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