If Halas is really, really tired, he'll sleep through the night. But most nights, he wakes up at least a couple of times, for various reasons. I know this because I'm a pretty light sleeper, so I notice if he jumps off the bed, moves around, etc. There seem to be a few different reasons for this.
Reason #1: Sometimes it's because he has to use the bathroom. In that case, he whines to wake me up, and I'll get up and let him out.
Reason #2: Sometimes, he just wants to lay somewhere else for awhile. In that case, he doesn't intentionally wake me up, but I usually wake up a little bit just because I hear him.
Reason #3: (Here's where the curious behavior starts.) He just wants to wake me up on purpose for apparently no reason at all! He will whine, and lightly hit me with his paw until I wake up. If I get out of bed to try to let him outside, he doesn't even get out of bed to follow me, so he doesn't have to go to the bathroom. I'll get up, but he'll just lay back down. Now that I've realized this, I'll just pat my pillow or the bed, and he'll lay down right next to me. But he could easily do that, and often does, without purposely waking me up. I've been trying to figure out what he wants or why he does this, and I have noticed something the last few times he's done it. He seems to whine and paw at me to wake me up when I'm dreaming. I haven't been able to remember the dreams, so I don't know what's happening in them, but I do know that I've been dreaming. Do you think I'm doing something while dreaming that's worrying him or making him think he needs to wake me up? Or do you think it's just a funny coincidence that I'm dreaming, and he just really enjoys waking me up?