Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lorraine Bromley
  • Female
  • Stratford
  • Canada
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Lorraine Bromley's Friends

  • Meagan Jackson
  • Anna Picco
  • stuart b wein
  • Sophia Kelly
  • Linda Graham
  • Julia
  • Melissa, Jack, & Moose
  • Melody & Bruin
  • Katie V
  • Jena ~ Dublin
  • Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty
  • Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More
  • Debi Latino
  • Gail+Kathleen,(Sydney+Olivia:)
  • Sue, Lola, Pongo & Hubby

Lorraine Bromley's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Richard Crowe Feb 28, 2012. 7 Replies

Puppy Mills and BYB

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lorraine Bromley Feb 1, 2012. 41 Replies

I cloned my pet! TV Show

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Jan 18, 2012. 21 Replies

Gifts Received (1)

Friendship Daisies From 1jdimym3xmdag

Lorraine Bromley's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Three boys 25,22,19
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Neely a Golden Doodle born Jan 7 2009 standard cream and apricot
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We love labs and goldens and wanted non shedding this time
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
snuggle in bed
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Favorite Doodle Products?
Invisible fence system
spill proof water bowl
Relationship Status:

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Lorraine Bromley's Blog

Friends new DOODLE

Posted on February 23, 2012 at 10:49am 13 Comments

Hi there, I am just letting everyone know that Neely has a new puppy friend! My friend who has Harley the GD that I look after sometimes has just brought home an eight week old Bernese Mountain dog poodle cross. An Absolute gorgeous little guy! This mix is supposed to allow the normally short life span of the Bernese to be lengthened by infusing the doodle gene. 

Since my son brought home his little Great dane puppy 10 weeks old for us during their reading week we have been enjoying…


Doodles doodles everywhere!

Posted on February 9, 2012 at 10:35am 12 Comments

I am seeing and hearing all about doodles in the news this week.

Sadly there was an accident that killed eleven people and left three fighting for their lives near our community. They had a segment on the news about the driver of one of the vehicles and he was killed on his way to his eleventh wedding anniversary. His neighbors were interviewed and were talking about what a great guy he was and how often he spent time with his two Labradoodles! I don't know if they were on this site…


Second Grand Puppy Arrived

Posted on February 4, 2012 at 11:04am 21 Comments

HHe is adorable! Not that I was in favor of a second great dane for them! BUT What a cute little guy. He is really snuggly not timid at all, listens really well. He also cuddled up with Gramma on the couch and he laid his head on mine and his paw in my palm and breathed the beautiful puppy breath all over me! He was so soft and smooth and warm. This was a puppy fix! Here he is in the middle of Zee his sister and Neely the doodle daddy that has been there helping raise Zee to a year old and…


Labradoodle de-tailed

Posted on August 27, 2011 at 12:36pm 8 Comments

Well I am disgusted that in my local paper there is a 5 month old Labradoodle for adoption through our local OSPCA. The cute little white fluff ball was surrendered by its owner. The poor little guy had his tail docked because he wagged it so much and was getting bigger and knocking things over with it.  If I had the vet by the tail that did this I would put a little nick in his behind and see how it feels!

On a similiar note when in the city my son lives in last week while driving we…


Harley went home :(

Posted on April 16, 2011 at 3:46pm 8 Comments

So Harley's daddy came and took him home! I had him all pretty and trimmed. His ears were clean. His nails were done. He was well fed and watered. He actually gained weight while he was here! With all the playing he seemed alot thinner but I think he got taller. We showed off his new tricks. Explained why we had to take him to the vet....and explained why I NOTICED his penis at…


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At 6:04pm on July 31, 2014, Stella said…
Hi Lorraine!! Good to hear from you! I tend to lurk more than post on DK these days! The dog at Bracebridge OSPCA is back up for adoption again, so it looks like it fell through. It just breaks my heart seeing dogs looking for new homes. Hope you are doing well!
At 7:04am on April 28, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday Lorraine!  Hope your day is wonderful and filled with love, fun, celebrations and big Doodles kisses from Neely:)

At 7:16pm on February 24, 2013, Debi Latino said…

Hi Lorraine, Sorry it took me so long to reply to you. I am a bit new to this site and wasn't aware i received any messages. The breeder who provided me with Jolie is 'Amalie Labradoodles' based in Brisbane (Queensland, Australia). She is also the secretary of the Australian Labradoodle Association & a mid wife professionally. Very knowlegable lady and loves her Labradoodles. Best wishes, Debi

At 7:16pm on January 27, 2013, Meagan Jackson said…

Hello Lorraine! We are from Sarnia. Rupert our Aussie doodle is from Burkhart kennels. He's 8 weeks:)

At 10:22am on October 22, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

I sent you a personal message Lorraine.  : )

At 3:35pm on July 21, 2012, Ricki and Tara (doodle) said…

Hi Lorraine! I haven't seen you on DK much lately. Are you and Neely okay? I know everyone gets busy during the summer but I also know you have some other challenges as well and hope they are not being troublesome.  Hope you are just out having fun!  Ricki & TaraBear

At 8:30pm on May 9, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

Happy Belated Birthday!!!  Sorry we missed it.  We hope you had a great day!!!  : )

At 8:29pm on April 28, 2012, Julie, Izzie & Max said…

At 6:17pm on April 28, 2012, Bonnie and Kona said…

Happy Birthday, Lorraine! Hope it has been a great day!

At 10:27am on April 28, 2012, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…




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