Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When did your doodle have his/her first dental cleaning (surgery)? My vet recommends one every year, but it's about $400 (assuming no extractions) so I'm not sure if it's very necessary for a 1 year old doodle. Noah has such beautiful white teeth though, and I want to make sure they stay that way. I have noticed a small amount of tarter build up on one of his molars.

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Kramer is having a tooth extracted, and will have a cleaning done at the same time. the total cost will be around $250. His teeth are in good shape, and don't really need cleaning, but since he will be under for the extraction it will be done at the same time. He's almost 5.
It seems as if everyone agrees that perhaps getting Noah teeth cleaned under anesthesia is a bit much. Maybe you need a second opinion or a new vet.
Whoops, sorry.
Yikes! Go to the pet store and get Susie's tartar liquid. Matilda's tartar was so bad you couldn't see her back teeth!!! I think since she is NOT a chewer that it aserbates the problem. After I used the tartar liquid in Matilda's water her teeth are great!!!!
As a vet tech, my opinion is that the need for dental cleanings based on the individual. There are many reasons why some dogs develop tartar and some don't. We would never routinely put a dog under anesthesia for any reason. Every procedure carries an element of risk. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. It is highly unlikely that a 1 year old dog would need a cleaning. Also, the $400. price seems high. Ours usually run about $250 including pre anesthetic blood work (mandatory).
Thank you for posting this question today.

Can you tell by teeth what age a dog might be??

Around 3 pm today I went to a shelter to check and meet a doodle and put my name on a reserve list. ( She may not be released until Saturday)

Her coat was beautiful but her teeth were Filthy. So I used the appearance of her teeth to assess she may be 2-3 years old.

Good assumption or not? I dunno?
We have never had our dogs' teeth cleaned. My mom has Westies and she has always had their teeth cleaned at regular intervals. I don't know if her dogs' teeth are in any better condition than mine. My last dog lived to be 15 and never had a tooth problem. Our current dogs are 11, 6 and 1 1/2. They eat kibble and chew on bones.
We just had out 16 yr old slab shep cross in for her yearly check up and they commented on how wonderful her teeth were for her age. I brush her teeth about once a month. I have a dental tool that I also use around the gum line and visable tartar. She seems to like the mint taste. It does make her bleed at times as she has worn down her teeth so low. The vets have never asked us to put her out to do dental work. She is not a chewer and has eaten our food too as well as hers that hasn't been the best for her teeth. Out doodle has beautiful teeth and chews and great breath so I DON'T see dental work in the future for her unless she is in pain or is in bad need of preventative care.

Hey, So I took Jack to the vet today because he needed to have his anal glands expressed. I have worked really hard with Jack and his teeth. I brush them all the time. In fact today before going to the vet, I was brushing his hair and his teeth. I happen to be outside when I was doing it and the sun is really shining.


I have always been able to see the little bit of tarter on the front of his teeth, but today I saw his back molars and they were imo terrible looking. Tears stung my eyes!!!


I never really brushed way back there but I am going to from now on. When I talked to the vet, I asked her about professional teeth cleaning, she said he is not there  yet. She wouldn't want to put him under for so little tarter but if this continues in six months he is going to need a cleaning.


I already brush his teeth and I am going to make sure I get all the spots now. We tried to give him one of the V.Et or whatever those safer dental chews are but he doesn't like it. Do you all recommend any products that will remove tarter that is there and help me to maintain good oral hygiene?


Jack is a small dog, 12 pounds, He gained some weight. I know they are prone to bad teeth but I want to prevent it. Thanks for any help or thoughts or products


Have you tried Greenies or even one of those floss-like rope tug toys? My dachshund plays with a green and white rope toy that helps with tartar. Also, both my dogs love their Greenies.

Anybody got a name for the floss-like rope tug toys ?  The ones I see are more like rope toys.  Is that what you mean 

Sunny is one and a half years old, and her teeth are still shiny and white. I just brush them once or twice a week (poultry flavored toothpaste, haha yuck) and give her dental chews and Greenies to keep her gums healthy. I won't get a cleaning done unless her teeth start to go bad when she's older- it's expensive and requires anesthesia, which is potentially dangerous and best avoided when possible.



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