Yesterday when Toby got up, after a restless night, he ran right to the door, went out, and had the runs. He seemed fine through the day - ate, drank, played, went on walks, etc. Last night he got very restless around 3:30, and whined just after 4 (which he has NEVER done). I let him out, and he had the runs again. Put him back to bed, he stayed there until this morning, and is now up and acting normal. From what I've read it looks like maybe I should fast him today, and then feed 1/3 lean meat, 2/3 plain white rice for a couple of days, and then ease back into his food, unless he stops drinking and becomes dehydrated. Does that seem about right? I would go to the vet if I thought it necessary, but he's acting normal except for the two "first thing in the morning" episodes.