Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

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  • lindsey dabek
  • Linda Graham
  • Joan & Crosby
  • Rose Ann and Amante
  • Charlie Bear and Mari'na
  • Gabriele Gardner
  • Judi, David & Maddie Irishdoodle
  • Kathy Hoppe
  • William
  • Susan and Sasha
  • Jeanne, Tura and Dolly
  • Amanda and Quinn
  • Lona and Bogart
  • Zoey's Inspirations
  • shelly

Sandy's Discussions

Laminate floors and Toby

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lonnie & Libby Lu Jun 14, 2013. 20 Replies


Started this discussion. Last reply by Barbara B., Sasha & Oliver Nov 12, 2012. 22 Replies

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Toby's Mom, on a steep learning curve!!

Profile Information

About Me:
I am a stay at home, and I teach piano lessons in my home. I have a married daughter, a married son, and a son in college. I love to bake, read and play the piano.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
One F1 Goldendoodle - black, with a hint of white on the chest. He's 3 years old now and I'm hoping for lots of help here! His name is Toby. :) He's come a long way from his horrid puppy and doggy toddler years.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We researched, and found that this breed should be gentle, intelligent, and a good family pet. Toby adores children, and is somewhat of a gentle giant.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Go for walks, snuggle (when he feels like it), go to the dog park (not so much anymore - he doesn't defend himself, and gets picked on), and enjoy the looks we get from others when we're out! Oh yes, and defend the fact that he is indeed a GOLDENdoodle, even though he's black. People never comprehend that.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Me, my son, and my son's vet tech girlfriend.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Kong toys, Mane and Tail spray, squeaky toys.
Relationship Status:

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Sandy's Blog

Toby - the Swimmer?

Posted on April 10, 2010 at 9:32am 5 Comments

We went on our first off leash hike today, with my son, his girlfriend, and her golden retriever, who is Toby's best buddy. The dogs had a great time. Then we came to a pond. Toby has never been near a body of water before. The golden was puddling at the edge, so Toby went down too. Then, before I knew it, he ran in and just kept going! He was swimming straight across - and this was not a little pond. I must say, my heart jumped into my throat. I had good quality treats in my pocket, and was…


Toby's having fun, but I'm not!

Posted on March 31, 2010 at 6:00am 8 Comments

About a week ago Toby got up uncharacteristically early - 6:15 a.m. He woke me whining, which he never does. He sleeps in a crate in our room. I let him out and he raced outside. He did pee, but more than that just seemed to want to tear around the yard. He was hyper! Usually Toby is quite sedate in the mornings, so this was unusual for him. Flash forward ahead to last night. I was woken at 2 a.m. by scuffling around, noises etc. Again I took him out - figured he'd forgotten to pee before…


Today, Toby is an Idiot. A Complete Idiot.

Posted on January 7, 2010 at 7:57pm 11 Comments

For some reason, today, Toby has lost all his manners. He is acting like a stupid, untrained little puppy. He is almost 17 months old, and today, he has been running at me, jumping, barking, refusing to behave.....just awful. He hasn't acted like this for months, literally. I've had to crate him three times for misbehaviour, and that is very unusual. He was groomed yesterday....could that be it? I just cannot figure out this huge change in behaviour and attitude. I was almost in tears tonight.… Continue

Doodles and Cold Weather :)

Posted on November 29, 2009 at 6:37am 4 Comments

Today we had our first really good overnight frost. Oh boy - Toby is pumped! He was racing around the yard at high speeds (zooming!) over, and over, and over. He was rolling and rolling on the frosty grass. He has already been on a walk and played ball. There's nothing quite like seeing a happy dog zooming around the yard to put a smile on your face first thing in the morning! So....lots more frost, but no snow. Sound like a good winter plan? :) Unfortunately, living where I do, snow will be… Continue

Seriously, is it the weather, or what???

Posted on November 5, 2009 at 5:52pm 11 Comments

Toby is being a royal, pain in the bottom, jerk today, and has been for a couple of weeks. Tonight he was darting around, jumping, barking (which he never does), and just being a nuisance, and a rotten dog. Maybe it's because the weather is changing, time changed....I don't know. but whatever it is should stop, promptly. Currently he is having a time out in his crate, which hasn't happened for quite some time. He's also coming off a week where he has some stomach issues, and is just getting… Continue

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At 6:48pm on January 23, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

I checked to see where you live and it is nowhere near me.  I have several dogs that stay with me when their families are out of town.  Since you have plenty of time, I would contact other doodle owners in your area and arrange some play dates for Toby to get to know them.  It is like having play dates for your children.  Did you ever do that?  That way, you may be able to meet someone who is willing to trade doggie care for when they are away for a few days also.  It is a good thing to get set up so you know the people he will be staying with.   My families go to Europe and Asia and I keep in touch via e-mail and send frequent photos.  It works out beautifully but I have yet to leave my dogs with anyone.

At 11:25am on November 16, 2011, Joan & Crosby said…

Hi Sandy, there'll be a Winter Woofstock in Toronto this Sunday. Don't know if you're interested:

At 9:02am on November 15, 2011, Joan & Crosby said…

Hi Sandy, if you would like to bring Toby for a doodle romp in the GTA, here's the link to sign up for the mailing list: 

The organizer's name is Donna Allman.

At 7:23am on November 15, 2011, Joan & Crosby said…

Hi Sandy, Crosby will be 4 on Boxing Day but in any case, Cambridge is not that far away. One of these days, we should arrange for a doodle play day. Probably when the weather gets warmer, for me, hahaha!!!!

At 7:05am on November 15, 2011, Joan & Crosby said…

Hi Sandy, I joined the Doodles GTA group last week. Just wanted to say hi. I'm in North York, are you close by? I have a labradoodle, Crosby. Your Toby looks very adorable.

At 5:20am on June 17, 2011, Stella said…
Sandy, don't stress about Tobys coat.  It takes time to get the hang of it and these doods matt so easily.  I start at his foot and brush gainst the grain all the way up his leg with a pin brush, then I go over it with a slicker, still brushing against the grain,  before then starting to brush it down.  I begin at the foot again and brush down in sections with the slicker.  I usually do it in one inch sections, and then go through that section with the comb.  The comb is the part that makes sure all the matts are gone - Dave still doesn't get this part!!  Gradually work up each leg this way, then double check by combing the length of the leg.  Repeat on each leg before moving on to his body and face.  Once I have combed his entire body I do a quick follow up with the slicker to remove any last stray loose hairs.  He will look like  a total poofball for the rest of the day, but by the time he has slept he will have beautiful soft curls!  When Chases coat is any longer then one inch, it can take me three hours just to groom him.  So, I usually do this the day before I plan to clip him then just give him a quick brush the and next day and then clip.  Otherwise it is too much for him.  I do a lot of the brushing and combing with Chase lying down so he can relax, it is a long time to stand up for!!  Now, he will let me do the whole three hours in one session.  There was a time where I was doing a leg a night, then the body the next night and the face the night after.  It felt like a never ending job as by the time I made it to his face it was time to start his legs again!!
At 3:25am on May 29, 2011, Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More said…

Hi Sandy,  Here is a link to buy Cowboy Magic in Canada.

At 3:29am on May 14, 2011, Judi, David & Maddie Irishdoodle said…

Hi again Sany - so sorry Toby was picked on at the Btfd dog park and I know how you feel because Maddie was pinned down by a rottie once.  We only go in the mornings now because the people there seem to have more manerly dogs.  Late afternoon is not so good since everyone works and the dogs have been cooped up all day. Maddie does love the dog park and running around.

Do you take Toby on the trails between Cambridge and Brantford - Maddie loves the trails and I let her go off leash - she keeps me in site and does a great recall to get leashed up when we see bikes or people coming.

If you'd like to meet up so Toby and Maddie could play at the dogpark or trails that would be great.  Just let me know and I'll give you my number. 

Take care and have a great day 

At 6:24am on August 23, 2010, Stella said…
Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow up? At the time is seems as though they will be crazy forever and then all of a sudden you have this awesome dog that mostly does as he is told!! I am still waiting for that moment with Chase - he is a little slower on the uptake than Hartley! The boys love their new house, but Hartley is starved of other doggy friendship as we never see anyone or other dogs around where we live. Whenever we bring him into town he is desperate to go and say hi to every dog that we see!
At 10:09am on August 20, 2010, Stella said…
Toby is two already??? Wow, time goes by so quickly. I remember the first evening I saw John walking him around the neighbourhood. I don't know if John remembers, but he told me Toby wouldn't get as big as my dog (Hartley)!!! Uummm...... famous last words!!


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