Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Stella Jan 24, 2014. 18 Replies 0 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lonnie & Libby Lu Jun 14, 2013. 20 Replies 1 Favorite
Started this discussion. Last reply by Barbara B., Sasha & Oliver Nov 12, 2012. 22 Replies 0 Favorites
Sandy has not received any gifts yet
Posted on April 10, 2010 at 9:32am 5 Comments 0 Favorites
We went on our first off leash hike today, with my son, his girlfriend, and her golden retriever, who is Toby's best buddy. The dogs had a great time. Then we came to a pond. Toby has never been near a body of water before. The golden was puddling at the edge, so Toby went down too. Then, before I knew it, he ran in and just kept going! He was swimming straight across - and this was not a little pond. I must say, my heart jumped into my throat. I had good quality treats in my pocket, and was…
ContinuePosted on March 31, 2010 at 6:00am 8 Comments 0 Favorites
About a week ago Toby got up uncharacteristically early - 6:15 a.m. He woke me whining, which he never does. He sleeps in a crate in our room. I let him out and he raced outside. He did pee, but more than that just seemed to want to tear around the yard. He was hyper! Usually Toby is quite sedate in the mornings, so this was unusual for him. Flash forward ahead to last night. I was woken at 2 a.m. by scuffling around, noises etc. Again I took him out - figured he'd forgotten to pee before…
ContinuePosted on January 7, 2010 at 7:57pm 11 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on November 29, 2009 at 6:37am 4 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on November 5, 2009 at 5:52pm 11 Comments 0 Favorites
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I checked to see where you live and it is nowhere near me. I have several dogs that stay with me when their families are out of town. Since you have plenty of time, I would contact other doodle owners in your area and arrange some play dates for Toby to get to know them. It is like having play dates for your children. Did you ever do that? That way, you may be able to meet someone who is willing to trade doggie care for when they are away for a few days also. It is a good thing to get set up so you know the people he will be staying with. My families go to Europe and Asia and I keep in touch via e-mail and send frequent photos. It works out beautifully but I have yet to leave my dogs with anyone.
Hi Sandy, there'll be a Winter Woofstock in Toronto this Sunday. Don't know if you're interested:
Hi Sandy, if you would like to bring Toby for a doodle romp in the GTA, here's the link to sign up for the mailing list:
The organizer's name is Donna Allman.
Hi Sandy, Crosby will be 4 on Boxing Day but in any case, Cambridge is not that far away. One of these days, we should arrange for a doodle play day. Probably when the weather gets warmer, for me, hahaha!!!!
Hi Sandy, I joined the Doodles GTA group last week. Just wanted to say hi. I'm in North York, are you close by? I have a labradoodle, Crosby. Your Toby looks very adorable.
Hi Sandy, Here is a link to buy Cowboy Magic in Canada.
Hi again Sany - so sorry Toby was picked on at the Btfd dog park and I know how you feel because Maddie was pinned down by a rottie once. We only go in the mornings now because the people there seem to have more manerly dogs. Late afternoon is not so good since everyone works and the dogs have been cooped up all day. Maddie does love the dog park and running around.
Do you take Toby on the trails between Cambridge and Brantford - Maddie loves the trails and I let her go off leash - she keeps me in site and does a great recall to get leashed up when we see bikes or people coming.
If you'd like to meet up so Toby and Maddie could play at the dogpark or trails that would be great. Just let me know and I'll give you my number.
Take care and have a great day
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