Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Last night was the first night that both boys had back to back hour long training classes - and I'm exhausted! Wednesday is also my golf clinic day so earlier I was whacking a hundred balls on the driving range so add that to 2 training classes and well lets just say my age is showing. So Rooney & Stuart need to be fed and walked (meaning gone poop) all by 6:00 p.m. when it is time to load up in the puppy hauler. I have a bag (think diaper bag for dogs) that I pack with enough training treats to last a month, leashes, poop bags, etc. I also take our large soft-sided folding crate so that which ever dog is not in the current class has a place to stay where I can see them, don't want anyone to "walk off" with one of my boys! It is a 40 minute drive to get to the training facility so by the time class is over, I repack the suv and get back home, it makes for a long night. Both of them hate their turn being left out of class and there is a little whining going on but I'm hoping that they'll get the idea soon enough. Stuart is attending "Good Manners" and is the only dog there under a year, he actually does pretty well if I let him run the zoomies off before class gets started - lol. Rooney's class is the Canine Good Citizen and frankly I am embarrassed that he didn't do this before his first b-day - he was ready and then I got Stuart and had my hands full of paper plate poop and didn't get it done. Rooney could test now and pass so it is just a good refresher for him but I have to admit that I wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew - I am worn out!!! This morning we got up at the usual time and did our potty - neither boys wants breakfast - they went back to sleep so I'm not the only one pooped out! The one question that I have for you training pros - we put Stuart in an Easy Walker last night to give it a try - and I need to go buy one for training purposes, I do want to go back to a regular collar down the road but Stuart has times when he pulls, not always but as he gets bigger - he is getting worse. So Easy Walker or Gentle Leader?
If the harness style works for Stuart, I would go with that. Many have lots of success with it. We use the Gentle Leader (head harness) on both our girls but only because I've tried the harness style and it just didn't phase them. The Gentle Leader works, but they aren't particularly in love with it. We are currently in the process of working with them on regular collars as I want to get them off of the training collar. It has just been laziness on my part (well that and two shoulder surgeries) that it hasn't happened already. In hind site, I wish I had just bitten the bullet and really focused on good loose leash skills on a regular collar when they were smaller. Life would have been much simpler if that had been my main goal in the beginning.
I realize you didn't really ask, but when I read your post I'm exhausted. What comes to mind for me is why, if Rooney is well enough behaved to currently pass his CGC, don't you just not worry about him right now and put the training focus on Stuart. Might be a lot less stressful for all of you. If you are all tense and stressed in class, Stuart is going to pick up on that and it is going to make the training all that much harder. Sounds like you have Rooney under control .. so what if he doesn't take his CGC for a few more months. It is the behavior that matters, not the piece of paper. Personally it seems that getting Stuart trained is much more important because he is going to be a big ole boy! Also, if you do continue with training both, any chance maybe one of your friends or neighbors has a young teenager that might want to ride with you and watch the other one for you so you can just focus on class.
Well I definitely think you have what it takes! When I was training two at the same time I did it on separate days, but I think it's totally possible to do them the same night and that way you only have to make that trip once a week. I wouldn't worry about having the one who is not being trained stay in the crate...that's actually good for them.
As for the Gentle Leader or the harness, what does your trainer recommend? I've found in most cases the training "tool" follows training program/method. I trained Guinness on a flat collar....all positive reinforcement. Obviously that didn't work with Murph so I did use a training collar (choke chain) for him which was consistent with the method of training we were employing. For walks now I use a Gentle Leader for him. He knows HOW to heel but for some unknown reason the Gentle Leader seems to keep him calm and much less likely to react to other dogs. I know there are lots of people who really like the harness, but my concern is that it really doesn't teach them to just prevents the pulling. So, I guess it depends on what you want to get from the training and the trainer's approach.
First, you aren't a training failure because you aren't DONE training. Stuart hasn't been in active training very long so you can't have failed yet. And I agree with you...all dogs can learn to walk on leash properly. Yes, the owner has to train well, but owners don't come perfectly trained in HOW to do this for every single dog. Some people give up and just accept it, others are simply not as skilled and need to work more to develop their skills, others simply are using a poor training method that will never work for their dog. Lots of reasons why there are many dogs who still are awful on leash.
Second, you're not a professional trainer so you're gonna mess up more often than not. Even pros make mistakes. All of our dogs have learned to heel well on leash...some better than others but none (after major effort in training) pulled on walks or acted too looney around distractions (save for Boca's whining that I had gotten close to nipping in the bud and then I got too pregnant). This wasn't because I was flawless in training. With each dog I made different mistakes and even during my trip with Boca to meet with my trainer, several flaws in my training were pointed out to me. Sucks that I am not perfect, right? But also totally normal given that my whole career is not dedicated to training dogs. So don't beat yourself up for not being among the top trainers of the world unless that is also your entire life focus/new career goal =)
I'm not a fan of harnesses or head halters. I just don't like them. But I also love the training method I use and don't like treat training. You mention that Stuart walks properly on leash SOMETIMES and goes berserk at other times. Remember that dogs don't just learn in a vacuum where you teach them "THIS is how you walk when a leash goes on and you'll get lots of treats if you do just do it!" They have to be taught the same thing around distractions. They have to learn that
"YUP even when we get to the dog park you still have to walk this way until I say so."
"YUP, even when you see your best friend across the still have to walk close to me."
"YUP, even when that dog ahead looks scary...."
"YUP, even when we are leaving the car and about to enter your favorite Daycare...."
"YUP, even when Rooney is with us...."
This isn't a perfect analogy, but think of golfing and developing skills in hitting the ball into the hole. You don't just get taught once about holding the club with ONE type of club and on the driving range alone and then enter a tournament, right? You have to practice with different clubs and on different courses and learn how to use different strategies and know how to get out of sand traps and go over water and blah blah blah. But to expect Stuart to who has only learned in class proper walking-on-leash to be 'as good' at it when he shows up (with you not in training mode) outside the dog park is like expecting a person who has never golfed before to end up under par on a professional course after learning at the driving range.
So in those moments when you are unloading both dogs to go to the dog park...he's going to act like a loony because he hasn't been taken into that situation for training..YET. Until he's been specifically worked around the 'hard' stuff he will continue to act like he does because to him he just wants to get going and GET THERE and doesn't give a rat's patootie about where he is in relation to you. He has to be taught and practiced and trained to behave properly (i.e. the way you want him to) in those circumstances. And he needs to be on command. A not-yet-done-training dog has to be told what to do (given a command he's been trained in and you're presently working him in) until he develops the maturity to do the right thing on his own (which could be a while for a lot of high energy dogs).
My point is, you aren't done training him so you haven't failed training him.
I also think it's TOTALLY 100% OKAY to leave one dog behind at home. Although I understand your preference to take both. But, unless you bring someone with you or are willing to leave one dog in the car...not sure there is a good way to train Stuart around the dog park (for instance). You have to be able to give one dog your focus during training until Stuart is farther along in training.
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