Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When I first took Charley to the vet at 9 weeks and told them that he is an Aussidoodle, the lady said "why in the world would they cross those two breeds?" She then proceeded to say it's just another mutt.  Which I guess is true.......  I've had a few others look at me crazy when I told them Charley's breed.  And then today when I took him to the vet to get neutered the visiting vet said the same thing the other vet said, why in the world would they cross those two breeds?  She then proceeded to call him a mutt also. 

I know this is mainly a Labradoodle/Goldendoodle forum, but I was just curious if you guys get the same reactions about your breeds and does it make you feel bad?  I'm sure your breed has been around longer than the Aussiedoodle so it may not have the same impact.  It just feels like the people are upset that I didn't adopt my dog from the pound and instead bought one. But my thought process when I got Charley was that I wanted to know where my dog came from and know who his parents were and the testings done in "hopes" to ensure a healthier dog.  Obviously there are no guarantees but that was my hope.

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When I first brought my Labradoodle to my vet I was told in a very confronting manor that he is a mutt and in the vets own words "why would anyone buy a designer dog" The vet was obnoxious and harassed me also about my feeding a raw diet and not wanting the lyme vaccine. I didn't feel bad just annoyed at her tone. I also had backlash on facebook from people I know from some animal activist groups that I bought a dog from a breeder and had not adopted a rescue dog. I wanted a dog that had parents well cared for and healthy and that were tested against inherited diseases. When I went back to my vet for shots I asked to see the owner not the vet employed there and was told she was no longer there. I had no intention of being abused by her and glad she was gone. The owner was very nice and respectful and supported my choices. I later found out from my puppy's trainer that the nasty vet had been fired. I really dislike mean people!

Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your decision to get an Aussiedoodle.  My Aussiedoodle is one of the best decisions I have ever made and I wouldn't change a thing.  I do recognize the fact that she is a mixed breed dog, and saying that doesn't bother me, but I don't like it when people pull out the whole "designer dog" thing and judge you for purchasing from a breeder.  People are going to have something to say about everything.  We also have a Weimaraner and people often ask do you feed that dog?! She is very lean, but thats the way her breed is supposed to be. I usually respond with something like "she eats as much as a small horse, but she is high energy" or if the person is really aggravating me I will say "I knew I was forgetting something today!"  Although there about people in the world who think they have every right to give you their opinion on everything, they are far outnumbered by those who have nothing but good to say about our beautiful dogs.  When you have people stop their cars in the middle of the road to tell you how gorgeous your dogs are it makes it all worth it.  Enjoy your baby!

Designer Dog- Cause they are SO Fancy!

Ricki, that is so funny. That 'I married a mutt".  I am sitting here with my 'designer mutt' playing fetch telling all about the discussion while he gives me that 'just please throw the ball' look.

Diane, my DH is 1/2 Italian and 1/2 German. So just imagine an Italian Greyhound and German Shepherd mix! LOL

I love that about the doodles! They don't care what people call them. They love everyone anyhow and just want to play ball! :)

When my son was about 8-10 years old we went to a shelter and got a Doberman Pincher.  He was down right vicious after he got comfortable at our house.  We had an acre of fenced in yard so he could run free, we tried everything with love and affection, with discipline, etc.  It got to the point where I was afraid to even feed him for fear he would bite me.  So we had to take him back to the shelter.  Turned out he was a problem for a couple of other families that took him home.  And like you, I felt so sorry for him, wondered if I should have given him another chance.  But, like you, I had a child that I had to put first.  My son wanted a dog but not a dog he was afraid to go near or even try to pet.  

It is at least 30 years later and during those years we had a beautiful German Shepherd that we bought from a breeder.  After we had to put him down (he was 15 years old at the time) we decided we would not get another dog.  Did not want to go through that painful loss of a good friend and family member. 

That changed when we fell in love with our son's family's doodle.  So 9 years after the Shepherd we got a doodle.  We picked a doodle because of their personality and temperment, their non-shed coat (I have horrible allergies), etc.   People are often to judgmental about what other people do when it really is none of their business unless there is harm involved. 

Well stated!!!!

Two people approached me today and asked me what Riley was.  I told them that he's a 'planned mutt' one man said 'he sounds a bit like father is Dutch and my mother is Italian!' ; ) 

I think the snide comments I get are actually winding down a bit. But yes, I did get a lot of really rude comments about it. Most not about the breed being a mutt though. The comments I got were more along the lines of "I never expected that you would support the designer dog fad" or "I thought you knew a lot about dogs..." Just let them roll of the shoulder..

Camilla this reminds me of the "how much did "it" cost?" questions and the "I hope you didn't pay very much for it" comments I got when Tara was a puppy.  From complete strangers! Why do they care what I do??? Like you said I just let them roll...

Ricki, LOL.  In reality we are all a mixture of something from somewhere. I bit of another subject.  There is a web site 23& where you can order a DNA test.  You are sent a kit to spit in and then return it.  In about 2-3 weeks you will get the result and those are the most detailed results far beyond what you can imagine.  DH is part of a Parkinson's study in which that DNA test was completed.

Boy, my comments are really turning out strange today! Diane, there was a discussion about that DNA test in the Science Group here on DK recently.  The link is above. I think for me it might just be TMI though! :(



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