Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I think one of the cutest things doodles do is tilt their heads to the side when you ask them a question. But NEITHER of mine do!  I can see one not doing it, but BOTH???   So it's got to be me that's doing something wrong.  Am I not asking the right questions? Is my voice not high pitched enough? 

How do you get your doodles to tilt their heads?

Please help, signed "Tiltless in Arizona"

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This is really interesting Maryann. That would explain it some as Murphy's eyes are closer than our daughters Marley's and he is a great head tilter.

It was definitely one of the characteristics I fell in love with when I first met Marley and was introduced to the doodle world.
I hear ya, but Oh come on Karen and Nancy, It would be so worth it to get a pix of a tilt. Heck, I'd frame it, or use it for a Christmas card!!! Just think if Jack does it 10 times a day, that's 10 opportunities a day to catch it on film. Maybe you can get the Shih Tzu to do it in unison with Jack and get them BOTH!!!! What are the odds of that? It's not like you have better things to do all day but sit around with a camera screeching at your dogs!
I will too! Promise! I just have to get at least one picture of them doing it.



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