I'm looking to order some antlers from the Antler Pantry and would appreciate your input. I don't know what size would be best/last best for Brulee and Tira. And what about the whole vs the split ones? I would appreciate your opinions/experiences re: these items. Thanks, heaps!
Thanks, you all for your information. Going with the partial split is, I hope, going to be a good compromise. The 7" size is, hopefully, the right size for my 2 mini doodles...Brulee being 20 lbs and Tira 11 lbs.
Maybe my title should have been, "Help Picking the Right Size Bone ." Maybe not!
You gals are too funny!
I ordered a whole bag of them which will last me until the next ice age !!! The bag contianed all different sizes, I did notice however that the smaller ones Oliver has chewed them so much that I did have to throw one away because he chewed it down to a nub. Ollie is a agressive chewer and he worked on it for days. It was a small thin antler and Ollie is 80 lbs. +