Weird question I know... But yeah, Grayson has super slippery drool! I feed him yogurt and cottage cheese each morning off of a plate and it takes forever to get it clean. And his water dish-- I almost break it all the time because lifting it with wet hands causes it to slip away. I have to use a towel to lift it to the sink to wash it, LOL. And I always find slick spots on the edges of counters---he is a licker! Not to mention the "crust" he leaves on the kids' stuffed animals. Am I alone???
Oh, you haven't seen super slick Drool until you have encountered Sophie in a dog park! Anytime she is around a group of other dogs, she is the slobber queen! We have to keep a Shammy handy to wipe her face!
I don't think of it as slick but as sticky. Yes, it takes forever to get a bowl clean. I think that the dogs mouthing each other and licking themselves is the reason their fur clumps together. The kind of thing where you can separate the hair by pulling the clump sideways in two directions with your hands.
Yes, Olivia drools every time she drinks water. We know when she drinks (she leaves a trail around the kitchen!) versus Sydney who is a neat drinker. Also when we give them fat free yogurt, it's all in Olivia wiskers and beard and Sydney is a neat freak!
I don't know about Neely being slick but I do know that at the dog park he can look like kujo the killer dog with all that rabid looking drool hanging from his mouth. We keep saying that he and his best friend he goes with are having a competition how long they can make it hang off their faces! Neither will drink while we're there either so we know they love it. They call it mousse at the dog park! After Harley the 4 month old left on Saturday we did a full brush out and Neely's coat is sooo soft and white, we're sure it was the puppy mousse! We think the puppy mousse must be superior in some way to regular doggie Mousse. The puppy also had a really long nozzle for his mousse. (his tougue was really long) Maybe it was all in the way it was applied? Another topic that regular people would think we're nuts for discussing.