Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hey everyone!! i got my 19 week old goldendoodle from a breeder.. he is a first generation goldendoodle.. when i got him his coat was very straight..then we gave him his first hair cut he got curly and his color changed a little. He sheds..i mostly find tumble weeds around my house lol.. anyone else's shed? also i hear puppys coats change several that true?? at least he is still hypoallergenic..because i am not allergic lol :)
We have a 6 month old doodle, he has a fluffy coat and does not shed. We went with a doodle because we have nephews that are allergic. So hopefully his coat wont change in that regard. His coat does curl a little when he gets sweaty or dirty, but once we bath him and brush him its back to normal. The only time I have seen his hair off his body was when I brushed a mat out of his coat :)
Luna definitely sheds (she's 2), but you won't be able to tell if your pup will shed as an adult until they're done with coat changes at around 1.5-2 years old.
The good news is that dander (not the hair itself) is the cause for most allergies, so even if your pup sheds it sounds like you are fine with him since you have had no reaction.
If he does shed as an adult I would recommend purchasing a de-shedding tool (like the "Furminator") to help reduce the number of tumbleweeds around the house.
The coat changes...I don't know if I would say it changes multiple times or just changes as the dog matures and depending on the particular genes it got. About 30% of goldendoodles shed and no dog is truly hypoallergenic but if you're not allergic to him, great!
oh man so i got one of the 30% that shed! great! lolol...yea as long as im not allergic! :) does urs shed?
I have 2 curly coated goldendoodles. When I keep their coats longer, I find tumbleweeds in corners and behind furniture. There is hair in the brush when I brush my chocolate goldendoodle, but very little hair in the brush with my blond doodle. I do not find hair on clothes or furniture. I used to have a Golden Retriever/Collie and a German Shepherd mix, so to me my dogs are virtually non-shedders.
You dont know if you have a shedder or not til they are grown. Tumbleweeds are normal at this stage. The coat change is happening right now. My family has 6 doodles and they went through the same thing as I did with both of my doodles, I had tumbleweeds for about the first 9 or 10 months, then it stopped. My F1 sheds very little, my F2 not at all. The only hair I find in the house is the realllly long ones that fall out of their tails :)
My Sasha is a goldendoodle who is 3, she had fluffy stort of straight hair when she was a puppy but her hair ended up very curly as she aged. Sasha is a FBI (I think) her mom is a goldendoodle and her father is a standard poodle. Sasha is very poodley and very tight curls and she does not shed.
Guess what?! I have a F2B English goldendoodle, supposedly he's more poodle but he sheds like no one's business. He has curly hair around his neck but other areas is wavy to straight. He has tight curls when he gets a bath. My husband has allergy issues, especially with cats and our English Goldendoodle's coat does bother him.
Have you found any solutions at all to the shedding? HELP I am in a pool of dog hair! It is awful.
I simply have a goldendoodle that sheds so bad that there are hairs floating in the air, stuck to everything, all over my wooden spiral staircase ( and I mean all over them.... from the steps to the rod iron bars, step holders and railings), all over our clothes, my car and you can't walk in socks or your feet become covered in hair. I rescued my Doodle (for $500) who was a scared mess at 6 months from mistreatment. He has become my boy! He is 19 months old now. He has the best personality, is smart and loving and my sidekick. I would never give him away but my once immaculate home looks like it needs to be swept and dusted all the time. My Fiance has begun to complain incessantly. It is causing a rift between us. I don't want anyone to say something ugly about me or my fiance. I just need some good solid advice from someone who knows.... Is there ANYTHING at all I can do to reduce the shedding? Anything to clean it up more proficiently? I am at a loss. He is an amazing animal and you can't help but to love him, kiss and hug him. I would love some ideas. Please.Thanks so much. Jamie P.S. I was told he would be about 60-70 pounds LOL He is now 110 whopping pounds Oh My!
I went to your page to try and see some pictures, but didn't find any. If his coat is long and shaggy you can have it cut shorter. It isn't that the shedding will stop, there will just be shorter hairs when they shed. In reality you just need to find a good vacuum, swiffer, dust mop or what ever your preference and get used to using it. You could also try a heavy duty, allergen friendly type filter for your air/heating system. Brushing daily will help as whatever you brush out will be less on your floors.
Thank you Lucy and Annabelle's mom. . I just joined so I haven't uploaded any pics other than the profile pic. I appreciate your response. It is not what I was hoping for LOL but happy to get it non-the-less. I, like many others, was misled into believing he would be non shedding. I am truly wiser now. HAHA He is an amazing creature. Truly a gift. I must say tho, I should have taken stock in Swiffer, furminator and any other dog hair supply company. I have bought a few thousand dollars (probably an exaggeration) in cleaning, hair and deshed products. Have a beautiful Spring!
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