Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Marianne Kay Mar 11, 2015. 12 Replies 0 Favorites
So, Midas and I were just playing outside in the snow, and we were having a great time. We were playing for about 20 minutes when all of a sudden he went absolutely bonkers! He was running around…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Three Doodle Life Dec 22, 2014. 14 Replies 0 Favorites
i was just tagged on facebook about a labradoodle in nyc shelter, he is listed as urgent and only has till tomorrow before he is euthanized. 3 years old neutered.. owner is sick thats why he was…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Emily, Bentley, & Maserati Dec 13, 2014. 5 Replies 1 Favorite
This was shared on my facebook wall, it is a photo of a homeless woman living on the streets of NYC, with her dog which looks like it may be a doodle, I'm not sure. Anyways a friend of mine shared…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau Nov 10, 2014. 7 Replies 0 Favorites
Hey everyone! Midas my 2 1/2 year old goldendoodle was grommed Friday, I love my groomer, she has always done a good job, she grooms from her home. I asked her to keep his butt short, she must have…Continue
Chels*Claud*Midas has not received any gifts yet
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Is Midas acting better after his grooming trauma? I hope he is back to normal!
Hi. I was searching e collars and came across a question you had asked about them when Midas was 7 months old. Sounds like we have the same dog :) I'm just wondering if you did get one and if it helped. Would you let me know when you get a chance?
Thank you! Tammie (& Roxy)
Just checked to see where you live and see that it is New York. Maybe a little more difficult than here. But morning gyms should be readily available. (BTW your husband is gorgeous.) Midas will adjust to anything you decide, but try to include him in your planning.
You should put Midas in the slideshow. Just tag one of his pictures "good13". This weeks theme is "good".
How are you??? Is everyone OK after the storm? We are worried!
I just got done looking at all your photos....Midas is soooooooooooo cute, which is probably good since he is part alligator.
What we did. First, we always had a stick of butter handy, when we wanted to pet Daisy we would sit down and start by petting, which inevitably ended up with her mouthing...we then smeared butter on our hand and let her lick it off - not a lot just a smidge, when she licked it off we said "aw, thank you Daisy nice kisses. After about a week of this she stopped mouthing and started licking when we showed her our hand. It really worked but you have to be very patient.
When we stopped putting butter on our hand she stopped licking, she doesn't even kiss us ever, but that is okay with us.
Hi Chelsea. I see from you discussion earlier that you got Midas from Callaway Kennels. Our Gus is from there. We actually live about 40 miles north of them. Midas is a handsome guy.
Midas is darling, and yes, I think he is going to be a big guy.
Love love love your phots. Claudio is gorgeous
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