Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We all know our doodles love love the water. My baby Cece is only 7 months and when we go to the dog park she goes straight for the water then of course wants to make friends with ever human while still wet. How do you keep your dog from jumping or running into people while wet? Has this happened to you? She is still learning to not jump on people but sometimes she gets way too excited. This happened today at the dog park and let's the just the other dog owners over reacted and it really hurt my feels bc they kept on making comments the entire time. I just ended up leaving the dog park. Ps the other dog owner was pretty much complaining about all the other dogs too. ( just a rant) and I wanted to know if y'all ever encountered something like this?

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Of course.  Ignore it, it is a dog park and they could expect to be jumped on in a dog park.  The dogs just get so excited about having water to play in.  Just laugh and say she may improve with age and leave it at that.  I definitely would not leave because of somebody else's rant.

Exactly what Lynda said. If you're at the dog park, that should be expected. Don't show up wearing your nice clothes and sporting an attitude. I'd ignore those people. I've been slobbered on, jumped on, knocked down twice, etc. They are being dogs, for goodness sakes. Not that you shouldn't keep working on not jumping on people. That's important. I just think people should be more understanding at a park.

I was once peed on at the dog park by a big Rottweiler :) Being jumped on sounds a whole lot better. I would ignore those people and move as far away from them as I could. 

Oh, I have been peed on, knocked over, and jumped on too many times to even keep track of.  BUT it is a dog park.  When a new dog enters and the dogs start their chase, we all just say "Bend your knees".

Some crazy people do go to the dog park in nice clothes....stupid people. I never expect to come home clean. If I have to go somewhere after, I bring something extra to wear just in case. Our dog park is dirty and of course muddy because of the water. I have special dog park shoes that can be hosed off. In the winter a lot of people wear rubber rain boots. It doesn't hurt to apologize and maybe avoid some hurt feelings but its a Dog park! Its for them to have fun. Manners are great and Im not telling you not to teach her to stop jumping but at the dog park, they get to run around and act goofy. Kind of like a kid in a toy store...or a bull in a china shop, Lol!

A dog park is exactly that, it's for dogs.   Your puppy is engaging in puppy behavior, and if anything, it gives you a good opportunity to reinforce some training, however, any two legged being in the dog park should leave if they can't tolerate the non-aggressive antics of dogs having fun.  I recall when my beloved Paz was playing in the fountains in the dog park, and always managed to "shake" in front of the individual who wore a suit while bringing his 3 lb dog into the park; I'll never forget when the aforementioned suited individual screamed at me when Paz gave him an unwanted shower.  I told him how lucky he was that Paz wanted help "cool him off."   The funny thing was that when Paz was playing in the fountain, he always managed to "shake it off" in front of this man wearing the suit......I think Paz intuitively enjoyed messing with him.

I agree with what everyone else has said here--nobody should go to a dog park expecting to remain clean. Of course if your dog park is anything like ours, you'll get all kinds of people there, including people deluded enough to believe they're living in a bubble (at a dog park with WATER, no less!). I think it can help smooth things over a little bit to simply say "we're working on that" (the jumping, humping, whatever), but please don't let people like that ruin your good time--or Cece's!


Thank you so much for all the comments. :) It means a lot and makes me feel a lot better. I was just upset at the moment becuase of how they reacted, but that won't keep me from going back and letting my lovely Cece get back into the water.


What a cutie she is! 



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