Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Local celebrity in jail.  : (  Possibly irresponsible owner to blame.

UPDATE - Charles released 4/15/16.

I hope the owner will now be more responsible.  Time will tell.


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Me too!


How sad for Charlie, he needs a responsible owner. : (

I thought this owner was a nut the first time we talked about his Mane haircut and obviously he/she has gotten even more nuttier to allow this precious dog out of their sights since they know he's a runner. I hope the possible hefty fine will wake them up, but yes, they will probably use the incident to make another book out of it.  Makes me crazy/@##$)(%*%&$^$#%%@

I feel bad for Charles.  He needs new parents who are responsible.

I agree, before the next news clip is "Charles the Monarch is hit by a car".

He was running in the street.  : (

I had a male beaded collie years ago who I nicknamed Houdini.  He could escape anything.  I finally bought a chain linked dog run and even enclosed the top so he couldn't get out.  I believe I am a good dog owner, but he just loved to wander. 

I don't get it - why is the dog being punished (ie locked up in a cage) for something that is his owner's fault? Why not foster him pending the hearing?

I was scared for him the first time I saw a video of this dog running on a street with traffic and people seemed to think it was a big joke. It's up to the judge now. You would think that after the 4th time, the dog would be taken away from these morons and put up for adoption to a responsible family. 

Found this editorial in Mace & Crown, the Old Dominion University student newspaper.  It speaks volumes.

It sure does. :(((



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