Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I just saw something on the internet about naming dogs.
My Doodle is Brenna, which means raven haired in Gaelic.
DD and I searched the internet for names that would indicate her color.
How did you all come up with your Doodle's name.
Just doing this for fun.
When we brought Lucy and Sophie home their names were actually going to be Lucy and Ethel. I had two "Virtual" dogs that lived on the wall paper on my computer screen. This was because I was needing a dog fix after loosing our Toy Poodle of 16 years a few years prior and swearing "never again" would we be dog owners. We moved a lot and traveled a lot to visit family and it was always just such a problem doing it with the dog. But, after a few years I was starting to regret my words. So I adopted my virtual great dane and named her Lucy and put her on my computer. Several months later came the little yorkie who I named Ethel. I talked about them (jokingly of course) like they were my real dogs. After we left FL and moved back to Ohio and I was no longer working, my life just seemed a little empty and I sort of started talking about "maybe" we might want another dog. DH had always said when we had the toy poodle (Asti) that if we ever did it again we would get two, not one. I wasn't on board for two, just one. Then I saw a little Havanese puppy and fell in love. That got the ball rolling. However, DH didn't want a little Dog ... he wanted a big dog. While I kept my eyes on the little white Havanese at the breeder I searched for a large breed that I thought I might be able to live with. Then I discovered the GoldenDoodle and said yes, I can do this. So, the plan was GD for DH and Havanese for me. We found a liter of GD's and made an appointment to go visit. Keep in mind this was before DK even existed and I was dog stupid. All the way to the breeders house every time I said puppy, DH said "eeze". you mean "puppies". We had talked with the breeder about the runt of the liter (in my mind she would stay the smallest). As soon as we sat on the floor the little runt came over and got in my lap. Then little rolly polly black girl came to Mike. The only thing I said before we went was I know I don't want black. After a while we switched. I then handed little rolly polly black girl back to Mike and said what do you think (I was already in love with the little runt). He held up both hands. I said seriously and he said yes. He was in love with Lucy and said there is no way we can leave the little runt there. She was in a liter of like 11 puppies and just so tiny. So, we left with Lucy and Ethel (at the time). I kept saying she isn't an Ethel so a name search began. I immediately wanted Sophie but DH wasn't sold. Two days and several names later he said ok, she is a Sophie. So, there began the stories of Lucy and Sophie.
A couple years and much DK knowledge behind me, one day I was searching the web and came across AnnaBelle Doodles of New England. They are a Labradoodle breeder and I completely fell in love with the look and names of their dogs. I corresponded with her a few times and said if I ever got another doodle I would want one of hers. Well, sadly the need arose for us to get another doodle when we lost Sophie to Lymphoma. While the names stuck with me, I was sold on the GoldenDoodle by that time and wanted another GoldenDoodle not a LabraDoodle (no offense to those LD owners out there). Her doodles were names like AnnaBelle, Harriet Potter, Clara Belle, Olive, & Eloise. All names on my short list along with Miss Beasley and Beatrice Potter. For some reason though AnnaBelle was just always my favorite and when we found out we were getting our new little girl, I handed the list to DH and he agreed she was an AnnaBelle and we added Hope as her middle name as it was our Hope that she would live a long a healthy life. It really seems to fit her silly little personality.
I have loved reading through the naming stories! Fun post, Geri!
It is fun, glad you all liked it. I've really enjoyed reading all the posts.
I think a dog's name is special, almost like naming a child.
We wanted to name Darwin after a scientist - and we had narrowed it down to names like "Pasteur, Kepler, Darwin, Hubble, Newton" etc. He just looked like a Darwin when we brought him home though - and people always say that his name fits him well!
Grew up watching 'The Beverly Hillbillies'...loved the name & character of Ellie May Clampett with the long blond curls...when we got our girl I wanted a really beautiful, pretty name...all my family wanted different names...the minute I suggested was UNANIMOUS...everyone loved it...and it just fits her so well...Ellie has beautiful long blond curls:)
You'll have to pardon me for copying this from an old discussion, but I didn't feel like typing it all out again... :/
I had been researching and saving and preparing for a golden doodle for almost two years, but it wasn't until last spring about a month or so after my mom was diagnosed with cancer that I finally bit the bullet and put a deposit down. I was living (and continue to live) at home with my parents at the time, on the home stretch of my accelerated nursing school program ending last winter. My mom had tumors in her pelvis that severely impaired her mobility and so we decided that we had to move to a new house with a master bedroom on the first floor. Parents beware of promises made to your children about future puppies because I am one of THOSE kids that was told when I was 11 that as soon as we moved to a new house, I would be allowed to get a puppy, so obviously I brought this to my parents' attention and after a bit of debate, a deposit was placed soon after haha. I am an active member of the "doodle obsessed club" and so my poor family suffered for months as I bombarded them with facts and pictures. My mom suffered most, though, as she went through chemo, radiation, and clinical trials. Despite all the pain and exhaustion she was experiencing, she never missed a trip up to the breeder's to go visit the parent dogs, the litter, and finally specifically my sweet puppy. So much of my mom is contained in my sweet Ragley. She is my constant blessing and truly is a gift from God. She, however, is not named after my mom. My mom didn't want "everything we did from now on to be all about her and her cancer." The silent oak tree of strength in the background was my dad. In a time when everything became all about my mom and everyone looked with so much sorrow and pity on my sister and I (newly 21 and 23, respectively), my dad had to deal with all the stresses of house hunting, financial struggles, medical bills, and the impending loss of the love of his life. He continued to carry on and hold the family together during the worst time of our lives. For that, he deserved a tribute.
For my whole life, my dad's side of the family has told stories of their times growing up in their childhood home, as I imagine many families do; stories of good and bad, joy and tragedy. They refer to the house by the name of the street, Ragley Hall, and thus "back at Ragley Hall" was a part of every introduction to stories of my father's childhood that I can remember. It is for this reason that I chose the name Ragley for my cherished puppy.
She is named after my dad and managed, in a brief period of time, to capture the spirit of my mother. Unfortunately for my sweet Ragamuffin, she has a rather gender neutral name, but it is one that carries infinite meaning to me and I like to think she is aware of that privilege.
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