Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This was just sent to me today on my Arizona Doodle Romp Facebook page. Anyone in Az know someone who would love this little girl and give her a home?

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25 pounds. So smaller than this poor pup, b ut I think there features in the face are so similar it's uncanny.

I think the Shelter said the pup was only 10 pounds??? She looks bigger in the photo! I'm eager to hear Sue's report!

Hi all, i just left the adoption center at Persmart. I have picks but am on my phone so not sure i can send. Ahe was groomed and given a mohawk. Why i do t know. She looks like a terrier mix to them and by the reference book. She was an owner surrender o. Her paperwork and just spayed on nov 28. She may have had pups at one time. Was in heat when surrendered. 
She doesnt bad , has a sore on her ear thats healing. Was as sweet and friendly as could. E. came right up to me and wanted affection plopped on her back for a belly rub when we took her out to play. Very hard to leave her but she is well cared for and has a cage mate. Who BTW never budged to come meet me. So she has a doodle personality! So now what?

Oh, she sounds like a sweetie!! And it also sounds like she is getting good care and in a safe place. I am going to send Jacquie an update with this info. I don't think that this little dog needs rescued. She needs a home but not a rescue at this point. She is safe and being well cared for by the sound of it.

Your description sounds so much better then that horrible picture they have on Petfinder! They need to update that one for SURE!

Thanks for taking the time to check on the little girl. I'm feeling better about her future now! :)

I bet she will find a home soon - I hope!  Sounds sweet, she's little, etc...

Never understand owner surrenders to a shelter.  I could never do that.

Thanks SUE!

What I found very interesting is that this shelter requires the owners to pay $90.00 to surrender their dog, so many people just say they found a stray and bring them in. Then cry and boo-hoo when it's time to say goodbye. She was categorized as an owner surrender. She is sweet and has not been on the street for long if she was, but the was some harm done to her by the wound On her ear. More on her temple actually. But it was healing.
Well, it was a learning experience, and there must be a reason for it. So stay tuned. I bet a foster is in my future someday.

Sue, years ago I found a little poodle mix on the street. She was in terrible condition with much hair loss and open sores. I tried everything I could think of to find her owners without success. I was not in a position to help her or keep her at that time so I took her to the shelter. I CRIED my eyes out when I left her because I was sure she would be euthanized. BUT years later I was working one of my dogs (therapy) at a care facility and met a couple with a little poodle mix dog. They told me they adopted her years earlier from the shelter and what terrible condition she was in at the time. I am pretty sure this was the little dog I surrendered. Just trying to say that even a Good Samaritan can end up boo-hooing over the fate of a little dog they have just met! :) Maybe the shelter here thought I was actually the owner! I am like Liz-shelters just undo me!

Anyhow, thanks for doing all the leg work for us! I hope she finds a wonderful home soon. And WHEN the time comes I know you will be an awesome doodle foster mom!

I'm sure I could see myself getting very attached to this little girl and be sad to leave her. She was pretty well cared for and not unusually thin either. Looks like my two when they are shaved down cuz she must was. That's a really nice story about the poodle mix you found. Wish they all had happy endings. Thanks for the vote of confidence about being a foster. When the time is right, it will find me ready to help.

They say terrier alot...but I don't think people who don't know a doodle recognize it....thank you for looking.  Did she look 10 pds. to you...the shelter told me she was a I think we have some confusion of dogs!  For why they would give a dog a mohawk...I imagine it was the same person who would name her Lady GaGa! 


She did look like 10 pds and they had her listed as an owner surrender, and a stray. Hard to say. The lady was very nice, and yes, they said they named her lady gaga when they cut her down and gave her a Mohawk. I wish I had time to send pictures. I am getting ready for a big baking day with all the family women and children tomorrow. Besides still doing what I can for my daughter. She is doing so well I couldn't be any prouder. Baby has regained its birthweight plus 2 oz. in just 6 days. That is remarkable! All breast feeding! That's MY GIRL! Thank you ladies for this morning. It was nice sharing this with you.

To keep you updated......Lady Gaga found herself a new home yesterday....whoop whoop...just in time fro Christmas!!

Woo Hoo!!! Thanks for the update Liz!! That is wonderful news and I hope this is her FOREVER home!!!



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