Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Doodle Puppy mill raid 10 minutes from my house...2 minutes from my moms house!!!

This makes me so angry that they didnt take every single animal off that property!! WTH??? this is literally right down the street from my moms neighborhood, im trying to see where they have taken the dogs to. hopefully they are all rescued soon

CDA press online

Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:00 am |
Updated: 1:20 am, Sun Aug 1, 2010.

HAUSER LAKE — Nearly 40 emaciated and infected dogs were removed from a breeder’s home near Hauser Lake on Friday.

The property, the Iron Horse Ranch, located at 26727 N. Hauser Lake Road on the Washington-Idaho state line, had 133 dogs on the property at the time Spokane County Regional Animal Protection
Service and other officers arrived at the scene following a tip of
animal abuse.

During the removal, the property’s owner, Wilma L. Turner, 61, was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm. Turner had previous felonies on her record and wasn’t allowed to have weapons,
the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office said.

“There were infections, and extreme grooming issues,” said Nancy Hill, Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service director, on the 38 dogs taken from the property.

Earlier in the week, officers had received a complaint from a concerned citizen.

The licensed kennel had passed its annual compliance check back in November, but when officers arrived after the tip they noticed the condition of some of the animals, Hill said, which led to a
warrant. During Friday’s daylong search, they found three weapons
and Hill was arrested. The weapons were described as a pistol and
two long guns.

Two dozen workers spent all day Friday examining the animals.

Officers taped off the driveway, but many dogs could be heard constantly barking. Horses on the property were also examined, Hill said. Turner could face charges relating to the animals by next

Most of the dogs were poodles and labradoodles. Washington state law allows up to 50 adult dogs on a property, under new legislation that went into effect Jan. 1. The old rule allowed more depending
on property zoning. Hill said they were looking into seeing if the
new legislation had a grandfather clause for those with more

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As long as people continue to buy puppies from ads like this, people like Wilma will continue to abuse dogs:
Iron Horse Ranch Puppies
Please note the date on the ad is 2 weeks ago.
Aside from the education that goes on here, what can be done to prevent this? I happened by a pet store in the mall the other day. The puppy cages were spotless but had wire bottoms, Most of the dogs seemed OK but one looked comatose, perhaps just sleeping, and a few were furiously pacing. There were signs saying the pups could be AKC registered, which didn't make a lot of sense to me. There were a bunch of different breeds including some doodles. That mall is closed on Sunday, imagine how lonely it gets even if someone comes in to feed them and clean up. I guess they're alone every night too. Sad.
The AKC will register and issue papers to any purebred dog. Purebred simply means that both parents are of the same breed. If a puppy mill breeds one Yorkshire terrier to another Yorkshire terrier, that's a purebred dog. So yes, pet store/puppy mill dogs can be AKC registered and have "papers." The AKC gets a fee for every dog registered, which is another reason they have not exactly been advocates in the fight for laws against large commercial breeding establishments, including the worst mills.
Seems like greed always prevails against doing what's right for these animals...
The AKC is exactly the ones who are prepetuating these mills and you are right, they control the purse strings....we need to boycott their events, spread the word about them as an organization supporting puppy mills. Take a look net time you watch a show or go to a show, those dogs are caged for hours, they have choker chains (which are harmful) the dogs show off, then back to their cage, all for the owner to get a ribbon. What happens when they don't get a ribbon....they most likely get rid of their dog...they have no real attachment to them! If you refuse to shop at stores that sells puppies, this is a large enough group that needs to pass the word also about the AKC!!! I am so glad that somebody brought this up. My dog's trainer is trying to make Rhode Island a non-kill state...another good idea! We take in a lot of animals from other states, especially the south, from shelters where animals are being killed, they get fostered and homes are found. I am pleased to say that my vet gives her services weekly to this effort.
I feel I have to defend AKC show beeders, at least the ones I have known. My last dog was the product of two champions. The dogs in AKC shows do not earn ribbons, they earn points toward their championships, and I can assure everyone that their breeders do not get rid of these beautiful & valuable dogs because of a loss. My dog's parents lived as pets when they were not campaigning, and this is true of the other show dogs with whom I am familiar. They do not live in cages. There is a universe of difference between a puppy mill or BYB and a good show breeder. For one thing, they do not breed dogs for profit. They have very few litters, and their dogs are minimally bred. They also do not breed dogs until after they have finished their championships, which means that there is very little chance of genetic diseases being passed on.
There are a lot of positive things about the AKC, as well as negative things. Their support of commercial breeders is abhorrent, and to be protested. But they also do a lot of good. Like anything else, they have their faults and their virtues.
I refuse to shop at a pet store that sells dogs because we know they are from puppy mills.
They closed the one in our local mall thank god but mills r still in buisness and people keep buying these poor dogs.... It seems impossible to stop them
Oh, goodness...I know who this!!! I'm in eastern WA state and I've seen her ads all over the place. When I first started breeding, she had an F1 breeding girl for sale that had her first litter at 9 months old. I asked about health testing, of course, and she gave me the old "I've been breeding for 30 yrs and never had a problem".

I think she now has a problem...
Let's hope so.
did u ever get one of her dogs? that seems too young to be breeding but im not a breeder so i dont know...
NO!!! I didn't get one of her much as I felt sorry for the dog I was interested in (Yes, 9 months is wayyyy too young, it was her first heat and she had 14 puppies!) I cannot and will not support BYB that don't test their breeding stock. Even though I could take a chance and buy a puppy for a few hundred bucks, that just perpetuates the demand for these "cheap" puppies.

It's heart breaking. I get phone calls from people saying "I found a puppy just like yours for $400. Why do you charge so much?" I take every opportunity I can to educate them on what I've invested into each breeding dog before I ever see a penny from a puppy they produce. I can't guarantee things won't happen in my lines, but I will stand behind my puppies. I tell them to ASK the breeders for health testing on the parents. Some people will listen and some people don't care.

Any breeder that loads up a truck full of puppies and meets you at the grocery store parking lot to pick out a puppy is NOT doing right by the puppies they produce. RUN AWAY, get a rescue dog or start saving your money and buy a puppy next year from an ethical breeder.

:::whoops, just realized I'm on my soapbox, better get down:::



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