Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, I made a comment in the Photography Group about buying a new smart phone since Verizon, my carrier, is switching data plans and, of course, things will get more expensive if I wait to buy a new phone. I need to do this before the 28th. It started lots of comments, some of which may be of more general interest.

There are days when I think I'll go back to a dumb phone that only does what a phone is supposed to do. But I do sometimes use the camera. I do use my phones GPS and occasionally I look something up. I do not</ strong> text. If I want to communicate I call and speak to the person or leave a message. How quaint.

I will copy others my and others comments as replies and maybe we'll have more of a discussion.

UPDATE: I Love my Samsung Galaxy S3. SUPER SMART!

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Well, it gets so complicated and more so every day. But it is so amazing what can be done.

Maybe its amazing what can be done by others, but not by me. I can barely just make a call. Makes me feel old and incompetent.

I meant the technology is amazing but not that I've mastered it : ) But I can do much more than I used to and really all we need to do is keep trying. You are young ; )

Droids are just a Motorola line of smart phones. Hot spots are wireless broadcast points so to speak. Certain devices, like my Xoom tablet can only connect through wireless and  laptops can connect wirelessly to a hotspot too.But yes, phones plans with data are generally more expensive but since there are two of you it might be OK. The plans could confuse Einstein.

I don't text period. Too much trouble! The hands are bad enough and a  call takes less time and energy. I don't think there are any smart flip phones : )

I can't live without my smart phone.  I have a Palm Pixi which nobody else seems to have--they all have iphones :-(  But I love the internet at my fingertips.  Internet access is really my primary reason for having a smart phone.  I can access DK!  I don't always respond to things via my phone, there's a limit to how much typing I want to do with two fingers...but it helps.  I do like texting.  Have NEVER been a phone person.  Even Clark thought I hated him when we first started talking on the phone because I would never do more than find a way to say goodbye as soon as possible...heeehee. 

Palm has been struggling market wise. But I do like having internet access for the fact I must have NOW. But really the GPS justified it for me. I don't really talk that much on my cell phone but it's vital when you need it. I did get rid of the land line in my office. Calls to my office number go to a second line at home. That wouldn't have been possible, at least with the same number, and without being an exorbitant project, before digital service. So the cell phone costs are offset by not having a land line for the office there.

There is a mobile version but it's sort of rudimentary as far as I know.

Here's an old discusssion on that:

Sandy- there has been a mobile version of DK for as long as I can remember. I'm using it now and answering you from my phone.
I don't prefer the mobile version and usually just switch my phone to regular web version.
Embrace technology. Don't fight this wonderful world of communication. After all, how many of you poo pood the internet are online here today?
Get the smart phones.

You know I will. But the point is which one, almost decided.

DH and I just got our own phone plan, (he and I were both on my parents until December) and we got T-mobile. The reason? We couldn't afford anything else. A non data plan for two people from Verizon or AT&T  was the same price as a data plan and unlimited texting and 1000 minutes with t-mobile. Plus we got free smart phones.

We pay $115 per month for unlimited texting, 1000 minutes, and the base data plan. We got the Mytouch 4g phones, which are SUPER nice. Too nice for me because I'm dumb and can barely figure out how to access the internet on it. It is pretty and shiny... LOL I hate hate hate texting but it's the only way my siblings or siblings-in-law will communicate over phone so we have to do it. Bleh. So far we haven't had a problem with T-mobile's customer service, phone service, anything like that. The only problem is having to pay $115 per month for our phone plan. :-(

It is a lot of money but I assume you don't have any other phones.



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