Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I apologize in advance for awful writing but I am enraged with what happened to me yesterday. I thought to share it and to see if other people have encountered any similar situations and what they did to deal with it.  

I am writing this to share a very strange experience with a very hateful woman I've had yesterday at the dog beach-Dunes Park at New Smyrna in FL.  What kind of person walks up to a stranger and starts a rampage about their dog's breed? I have a 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy named Lucky, a pug, and a pomeranian. The pug and the pomeranian love the beach and so we thought it would be a nice way to introduce our puppy to the beach.

So here is EXACTLY what happened: I was minding my own business and playing in the ocean with my Pug and Pomeranian and trying to get my Goldendoodle to come into the water.  Along came this middle aged woman with a brown Husky. She asks if we had a Goldendoodle because he was really wet so it was hard to tell what he was.  I was having a hard time getting Lucky to come into the water because he was a little bit scared.   She says "Oh your dog probably doesn't have webbed feet and if he doesn't he won't like the water." She then commands me to look at his foot to look and he does have webbed feet.  And YES he has webbed feet!! Then she proceeds to tell me that Goldendoodles are not a breed. What I have is a mutt and with mutts they are very unpredictable. I said that he is an F1b Goldendoodle with 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever and both breeds have webbed feet.  Then she says "people can call them whatever they want but at the end of the day your dog just isn't a breed and what you have is a mutt." I am pretty pissed at this point and wanted to leave but I let her finish because I didn't want to be rude. 

She goes on to tell me how unlike my dog, her dog is a SHOW dog from a well known Husky breeder with predictable traits.  Goldendoodles are not recognized by the AKC and they should NEVER be but that might change with the young generation.  She complains how the young generation is not well mannered (I'm in my late 20s btw). The young entitled generation, aka my generation, doesn't want to work (yes a common complaint against millennials *eye roll*).  We want a dog that doesn't shed and have that retriever sporty dog personality, but in the end, we don't have a breed.  People are trying to get Goldendoodles recognized by the AKC and trying to change traditions. Your generation is lazy and that's why you end up with mutts.

Why go up to a complete stranger and antagonize them when they are trying to have a nice day at the beach?  She finally tells me that she is a vet tech but proceeds on the tirade about mutts.  At that point, I finally got fed up and told her that what she said was offensive. I get no apologies and she becomes indignant. I told her to please leave.  She doesn't leave and sits 10 ft away from us and so I thought we should go.  As I get up to leave she tries to continue to yell at me she says "Opinions are like a******* and everyone has one."  

I've rescued all my dogs with the exception of the Goldendoodle, I felt kind of bad about that but this is plain cruel. I've also fostered of "mutts" from rescues but have NEVER received anything close to this kind of treatment!!  Have any of you dealt with this?  Thankfully I don't like in a small beach town and most of my neighbors love Lucky.  

What kind of psycho has this kind of serious discrimination against Goldendoodles? Why pick on a complete stranger? What should I do to prevent this from happening again?  I still want to go back to that beach because I am not going to let one person ruin a place I like. 

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Sorry to say this, but just imagine the hate that she lives with, within herself, everyday! Pathetic, really. She is clearly an unstable person to have such horrible feelings towards these beautiful animals and the people that love them. Lashing out likely satisfies a dark void of hers. Please don't let HER hate eat you the way it eats her (as Im certain it does). I too am not as nice as you, and probably would have answered with a focus on her. E.g., "How sad for you that you feel so much hate towards these amazing dogs. He/she brings me so much joy that I can't imagine feeling what you feel." Then turn and continue enjoying your fabulous doodle. Taking control of the situation will disempower her. Im sorry you had to deal with it at all.

I would have said here comes my rabid pit bull


AW! Love the comment with the wonderful photo hehehe.  So cute!!! Looks like one of those precious moments ornaments. 


Hey Bob, that is certainly a dangerous looking dog you have there.  LOL. Yeah, he looks as scary as my dudes.  He/she is a real cutie.

Sorry to hear that.  I don't have good advice for you. Being 6' @ 260 lbs people don't much pick on me.  However if I were you I would've told her to f*** off.  Or said "so what?"

realistically ignore it, if your dog is anything like mine, 99% of the time people are fawining all over him.  99% is still an A+ !

It is funny you mentioned this! I was sitting down the whole time in the water to play with my pug and pomeranian. Then I stood up when she really pissed me off.   I think I startled her with my height because I'm asian and skinny. When I'm sitting people think I'm really short. I'm 5'9 and this woman was like 5'0 or shorter.  She kinda backed off when I stood up because she was startled.  LOL



You're infinitely more patient & polite that I am.  I would have suggest that that whacko stuff it & walked off.  I'm fortunate in that I've not come across may people that haven't adored Snickers & Duke.  The ones that haven't weren't dog people to begin with, but on one has ever been nasty about them.    

I'm absolutely fascinated by how peoples' filters seems to have disappeared, though.  I know it's tied to oversharing on the internet, but I don't like the decline in social graces one bit.  I don't always like what I see around me, but I don't feel a need to share it with anyone.  As to the comment about opinions being like...., my comeback would have be something along the lines of, I don't care to have you share either of yours with me!

While our beloved doodles by definition are mutts so am I as well as "all" of us. Her comments to you may have come from a matter of fact stance and like a child she was proving to you she knew something or she could have been miserable and simply wanted to share it:) Either way if you're not signing my checks and you can't keep me out of Heaven nor from eternity then piss off.

I would have likely asked her what her experience was with canines and then asked her why the need to say what she did. While many think she was mentally unstable I would invite them to consider that just because someone is being intentionally or accidentally rude doesn't make them dangerous, however it does confirm you want to remove yourself from their space one way or another. Or pull a gun and drop em right there:) Just kidding and sorry for your bad experience. Be well!



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