Taking the recommendatiion of many DK members, I have finally located a local store that sells this product. The lady at the store said to just use a cotton ball wet with the solution and wipe out his ears. The bottle's directions says to liberally pour it into the ear, massage it, and then wipe out excess with cotton ball or swab.
I've used Epi- Otic for years. I don't know about "liberally" pouring it...but I do squeeze it directly into the ear, and then massage around the ear to let the solution do it's job. Then I wipe out the excess with a cotton ball.
It really needs to get down in there, and using a cotton ball to apply it wouldn't do that. I'd go with the manufacturer's instructions, not the retail clerk in the store.
Use Malaseb myself but I'm almost out and the co. is no longer in business. I'd certainly follow the directions on the bottle. How do you know what the lady in the store is qualified to tell you? Also, no way you can swab the entire canal. The bottle directions are the same as for Malaseb.
Here's to those of us who do not read directions. I am so guilty of this. So, I spent $72.00, two weeks ago for Spud's ear infection. The cost was more because I asked if she would show me how to clean his ears. Right! I had no idea how to clean ears on this wooly poodly puppy. After having a million ear infections of my own, I actually cringe just thinking about cleaning ears. Too bad for me. I have been instructed to do this, without fail, twice a week!!!
She showed us the cotton ball method. It does not seem to do anything. Spud steals the balls out of the trash and I spend more time chasing him around the house trying to get them back.