Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So, Orwell goes through times when all he wants to do is bite our legs or feet. Even when we sternly discipline him, he continues to do it and will bark and growl at us. I need help to improve this behavior… everyone is getting fed up with it.
That's all I really have to say about it… if anyone has specific questions about the behavior, feel free to ask. I just can't think of anything specific right now.
We have another member here ( we love her humor) that uses a Kazoo LOL She used to use a can of air or an air horn with a loud sound.
I cant find the blog about the air horn but here is here comedy on the Kazoo. A must read
Hey, whatever works.
This is a great idea. I'll get my mom a whistle… I'm surprisingly pretty good at yelping. (: Must be all the years I "played dog" as a child.
I love this place sometimes!
Thanks so much Jess. Your sharing of mild Aspergers only added value of this discussion.
Wish I could whistle you a tune right now
Jess and Kaitee, you both might want to check out my recent post on the main page -ROYAL
All the Aspies on the internet, lol. I think we congregate here and love dogs so we don't have to deal with people face to face.
School supply is a good place to buy a whistle that you can put on a lanyard.
Cool. I'll be around a school supply place tomorrow, so I'll pick one up.
Kaitee you have got some great advice already. I do think that if you are out, using the crate would be a good idea because your Mom wouldn't have to worry and maybe give different commands to Orwell which would just confuse him at the moment. I also think you should show her all the advice here so that she can better understand what is happening and that you do not have a bad puppy, just a very normal one and that things will get better.
Great advice on here---Sometimes I just love this site !! Hang in there ! Good luck !!!
Callie really hated being "disciplined" for biting, any of the punishments (like holding her down, holding her mouth closed, etc) actually made her more crazy. So we started using time outs, and calmly putting here there whenever she would bite. Now if she puts her teeth on us at all we yelp or say ouch and 75% of the time she stops. If she doesn't stop immediately, she gets a time out again. The time outs give her a chance to calm down and realize she can't play with us if she's bitey. Plus our trainer is very pro-negative punishment rather than positive (taking away what they want rather than actively punishing for bad behaviour). This seems to be the best way to work with Callie, so we've really started using it for everything
sorry this comment is from years later...We had 2 dogs when growing up. One a dachshund and the other a mutt hound. Neither one of them bit our hands and feet. So this is new to me. I was hoping to find information about what happens to the personality if you were to use a puppy muzzle. I've been using all of the "new" techniques. Keep wondering if I'm going to "ruin" her with my choices. I'm wearing cowhide gloves but she goes for the skin! Does anyone know if the gel style chew toys keep them happy? They might be like skin. She is currently 13 weeks. I've already used "search" and got 2 pages and None of them even had this issue addressed. This one looks even larger, so if there's a section I should read, the reference would be welcome. Wondering about the impact of a muzzle. Thank you from the bottom of my heart :)
you can write directly if you think it would only confuse this former discussion. I just re-read the long post explaining techniques for stopping biting again, and shortly afterwards saw the one with the whistle. I'm going to try it, since I can't manage the "right" yelp consistently. or maybe the kazoo as you can make one with wax paper and a comb.
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