Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jack seems to have found a new hobby. He is licking his penis all the time, and sorry for the TMI but it is actually exposed and not in the skin. BLEAK


It is not red, swollen of inflamed, his urine test not that long ago was fine. How much is normal behavior and what the heck do I do to stop it? It really grosses me out and I am tempted to put little boy underwear on him to make him stop.


Any advise??? Where else is one to go to ask a questions such as this?



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Oh dear lord. when you first said Peanut butter, I was thinking I gave him a kong of that yesterday. then I continued on. Well I want to thank you all for helping me to stay on my diet today.. I am so sick to my stomach grossed out that I will not be eating...


Funny I can take care of a patient who has their limb hanging off them and eat my lunch no problem but talk about my baby doing the nasty stuff and I am done..


In all seriousness, I will of course make sure Jack is fine and that his pee is in check.

See, it's reasons like this I have only had girl dogs.  Not just because of the "lipstick" factor, but because they place that penis right in the middle of a good belly rub.


Good luck today. We will all be thinking about you.

Brinkley does this-- and nothing is wrong with him.  He just enjoys it.  UGH! old is Jack?  Wilson discovered his penis at about age 2 and we went through a period of lots of licking.  At 4-1/2, the interest has diminished a bit, but he still fusses over it on occasion.  For the most part, I can ask him to "stop licking" or distract him.  But there are times where he just will not leave it alone.  In Wilson's case, I attributed it to "coming of age."
Jack is two,, ut oh!!!

I love my doodle GIRLS!!!!!!!

I agree with Laurie.

Dear Everyone.


Jack Daniels here.. I would first like to Thank my Mom for drawing attention to any little thing I do... I man I can't even poop funny without my mom running on here to get some help.. I mean she would kill me if I did that to her.. and I can tell some of her secrets!!!


I was humiliated and my mom dragged me BACK to the vet again to have them look at my what did you all call it "lipstick" ?? Well I would just like to say for the record.. Nothing wrong with me, not UTI, No Yeast, no swelling no allergies.. I am glad you all had a good laugh on me... Now  if you can find a way to get mommy to leave me alone please let me know... 


So thanks for all your concern, my pee pee, red hot poker sick, cherry chap stick, penis is just fine!! The vet said so and she would knows since my mom made her swab it, culture it and examine it.. Geeze.. where does a doodle go for some privacy around here!!!


Hiding my head in shame,


Jack Daniels

Hey Jack, why won't our Moms just let us do our thing.  You must have been so embarrassed.  Our Mom puts a quick stop to it when we start the "licking thing" too.  Moms just don't get Dad never yells at us when we do this....hmmm.

I think I am going to work on my mom finding a dad for me, with Molly Rose coming, and my Grammie going to live with us for a few months, I need some testostorne around here. I bet if I had a dad he would give me the high five for you know.. but my mom, she yells at me and asks what kind of a little boy is she raising??


I am on the look out for my mom to find me a dad!!!  To think she was going to put little girl underwear on me.. WTD???

Jack, Just tell her a guy has to do what a guy has to do :) She has to sleep sometime! Your friend, Vern

Don't you know Vern??

Mom's know Everything!!

I think they sleep with one eye opened...and I think they have eyes in the back of their heads too!!

We have a hard time getting away with Anything!!  But that doesn't stop us from trying...does it Vern?  Lol...

Your friend Sasha...

Vern, I got it down pat now, I go into the corner where I can't see mom, I mean if I can't see her she can't see me right????  Then I just go for it.... I know my mom does not understand us guys at all....I am hoping when this new puppy comes that I can have some space.....Vern someday you and I are going to have to chat because I can tell you some secrets about my mom that I am sure she wouldn't want all of DK to know... I am saving up my list, one day.. She is going to be shocked.... HA


Thanks for understanding Vern...



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