Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I havent been on here for a while :( just so worried tonight. Buzz has been eating grass. Never noticed this before but today i had to stop him. Tonight, he projectile vomited and now wont eat dinner(he is a very fast eater...we use a slow bowl) and seems somewhat out of it. Im laying with him now and he just seems off. Tomorrow i will bring him to vet but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? The grass had no fertilizers or anything on it.

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Is it possible he got something else besides grass? Any other kind of plants or anything else that might have been in the yard? Could he have found a rabbit's nest? I hope he's feeling better soon. 

Grass is not digestible for dogs, so it makes sense that he vomited it up, and if he ate an awful lot of it,  there might still be some in there, which could be why he's not feeling well. 

Karen, why do they eat grass?  Libby has just started eating it lately.

Some dogs just do it, no reason that anyone knows. Just yesterday, I was walking JD with a friend and her two dogs, and one of them grabbed a big mouthful of weedy grass. This same dog seems to eat anything that isn't nailed down, so who knows?

But none of my dogs have ever been grass eaters; I did have one who occasionally ate grass and it seemed like she did it to make herself vomit.

Here's a decent article with speculations about why dogs eat grass:

Thank you Karen for this article.  It seems like no "real" reason for grass eating, but it did ease my mind as it does not seem to hurt them.  I did not like this statement in the article " Others dispute this idea, on the basis that dogs are not proven to be smart enough to decide to treat an upset stomach by eating grass".  How rude, right? LOL  These dogs are as smart as they come!  Thanks again Karen, we can always count on you to help us out!

I cant be 100% sure it wasnt anything else:(. He has a ferocious appetite and at his last visit to vet last month she told us to cut back on his food as he was gaining too much weight. I only cut back 1/4 cup a day. He was getting 3 full cups, 1 1/2 each feeding plus a scoop of wet. I thought maybe he was still hungry??? I feel so bad. He looks so sad and i feel horrible :(

Regarding cutting back on his food, you can add a half cup of canned "no sodium added" green beans to his meals with almost no added calories, and that will help fill him up. 

I do think he should see the vet tomorrow, vomiting plus loss of appetite plus not seeming like himself all point to a problem, possibly a foreign body in the digestive tract. He may have been eating grass to make himself throw up. :(

Thats what i thought. Making himself throw up. I am calling vet this morning but he does seem much better now. Will try feeding him in a few. Thanks for the advice and maybe i will try the green beans after we figure this out.

Let us know how your baby is...they can cause so much "worry".  Skadi ate a lot of grass one time because she swallowed a bunch of burrs that she pulled off her fur.  The vet said let her eat the grass because she needs to be able to get rid of the irritant in her stomach.  Also the vet said to give her a Tums.  Skadi has done this twice and each time has been an episode that causes worry.  My thoughts are with you and Buzz.  I called my vet at 10 pm one night I was so worried...the vet didn't seem to mind.

Well the good news is...Buzz has been doing so much better today! No more vomiting...took him to the vet snd she said his big problem right now is double ear infection. May be what was causing the lethargic behavior, which is better today too. He was outside running and chasing squirrels like nothing ever happened. She thinks his episode could have been triggered by the bit of chicken i gave him. He has been off chicken since we adopted him and she may be right. I snuck in a few pieces over this past week so no more chicken! Thanks so much for all your comments and concern. xoxo

I'm so glad he's okay! 



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