Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Our Doodle is now 8 years old. He is terrified of thunder and fireworks. He tries to climb to the top of the highest table, shakes, and cannot calm down. We have a thunder jacket for him. It doesn't work. We try to give him a melatonim -- no luck. Does anybody have any ideas?
I had a schnoodle who was terrified of fireworks her entire life. She would tremble and shake so violently I was afraid she would have a stroke or a heart attack. I got mild tranquilizers from my vet to give her during the times of the year when people are shooting off fireworks.
It would be harder if you have this issue every time there is thunder, though.
Thank you! We will call our vet in the morn'. Fireworks seem to upset our dog more than the thunder! You have been kind -- and I am grateful!
Check out the Anxiety Group. I think we had some discussion in regard to the similar topics.
The thundershirt does help for Boomer. Sorry don't have any other advice.
I do remember there being some discussion that it is not only the sound of the thunder that upsets the dogs but it is also the "static" electricity in the air. That may be why some dogs "hide" in the bath tub. I also seem to recall the "original" thundershirt had some kind of metallic fabric in them.
Please correct me if I am mistaken as I haven't done any research on this in years (and my memory may not correct).
Cooper is afraid of thunderstorms and fireworks as well. Thundershirt doesn't work for him. He just shakes, paces and hides. The only thing that settles him the least bit are the "Through a Dog's Ear" CDs. I have used these a lot for my last two dogs. Heck, they calm me down!!! LOL!
Ugh, poor guy. I have no idea, but is this something he's had since birth, or did it develop later? So far Millie is fine with thunder, but am wondering if that can change.
Good luck, and I hope you can find something that works for him!
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