Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Reggie is 8 months now, and has turned into a real stinker. The first few months I had him he was pretty fantastic - an overall great pup, smart, obedient, friendly, easy! Super patient and wonderful with all of the little kids at my dance studio. Now it seems he is in some sort of testing phase mixed with the dreaded 2nd fear phase... Constant jumping on people, nipping, growling at thin air, barking like crazy at every other animal he sees. A few weeks a go he was bitten on the nose at the dog park by a pit bull - (first time ever at a dog park. The second time we tried I didn't let him go in because he was being so wild and barky at the dog already we are 0/2) and since then his reaction to other dogs has gradually gone from excited tail wagging, to excited barking, and now growling and aggressive barking/lunging on the leash even when the other dogs aren't even paying attention to him. I don't know if he's got PTSD or something, or is just suddenly scared of other dogs? He used to relax, lie down and chew a toy during non-structured time, but lately he is all over the place! In fact, I'm writing this from my iPad because he just jumped up on the coffee table and spilled a glass of water all over my laptop :/ zzzap. We sat on a patio with friends yesterday and in the 2 hours we we there (i took him for some walks during that time) he did not settle down one time! Then of course was exhausted and slept for 3 hours when we got home.

I tried to sign us up for obedience class, but was told he isn't a good fit if he gets that riled up around other dogs. So we have a private appointment tomorrow with a trainer and I'm hoping it helps us get back on track.

Did anyone else's doodle act out at this age? Or become irrationally fearful? Or ruin expensive electronics? Ugh. Any advice? I'm trying to remain calm and assertive, but am admittedly getting very frustrated.

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Reggie sparkle paws is now crazy paws :(
That wouldn't be an option :)

All this behavior is telling you that he NEEDS training.  You need a training plan and lots of practice.  It sounds like he has no limitations or boundaries right now....he's decided that he is "in charge" because he doesn't see you taking control.  I can tell you from experience that you want to get control over the "other dog reactiveness" right now before it turns to aggression.  Once they make that leap it's a very difficult problem to overcome.  It's great that you've got an appointment with a trainer.  Work with him/her to lay out your strategy and then start working.  Believe me this is the perfect time and it can be so reward and fun for you both.  Please consider joining the Training group here on DK.

Thanks Jane. I do really try to spend at least 30 mins throughout each day working with him. He knows about 10 commands and does them pretty well, or at least used to! These days, outside the house or studio he is a loose cannon! And we set some really firm boundaries for him from the beginning, and really did a lot of research on how to keep "pack master" status. Its just that what worked before doesn't seem to cut the mustard anymore! I do feel bad we didn't get into class right away. There was a specific place we wanted to go, and just couldn't get in yet :(

I agree with Jane on this. He needs training. Excited wagging of the tail is not happy, rusing to the door before you is not calm submissive behavior, he is running your life. Get some help. Work with him in public and at home on a leash. This will take some time and commitment. Catch it all in the bud now before it gets worse.

What Jane said !
And, is he lashing out because you dress him in Pink Tu Tus?

I agree with Jane and Joanne.  Although, that TuTu pic is adorable.

Perhaps, Spud! Though it was one of my students who dressed him up. He pranced around pretty jovially, so I didn't think he would harbor any ill will!

8 months is a terrible age and they need CONSTANT training.  Agree 100% with Jane.  Good luck!

Agreed, around 6 months or so, Luca turned into a bully at time , primarily wit me and when he was overtired. Training and time outs saved the day.

I say, next time he needs a blue tutu! :-} 

Your trainer will advise you. As others have said, training is really key.  One of the things I would do is keep socializing him rather than isolating him because of his unwanted behavior.  I would do the socialization when you can really focus on him and not anything else; no other goal.  This way you are keyed in on him and can correct  his unwanted immediately. Work with him outside the dog park, at the pet store, on the street etc.



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