Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When Max was about a year old we went to obedience training at the daycare we love. Well, what I didn't love was the trainer. She was insistent that dogs should only be petted when they have done something to deserve it, that they have no places on furniture, etc. I basically felt like she didn't want me to love Max as though he was my child as he wouldn't then respect me as the alpha in our home. Well, things happened and a couple classes were cancelled and I just never took him back.

Fast forward almost 3 years and I now have a dog that clearly never went through obedience training.He is a total crazy doodle! Now granted he doesn't counter surf or jump on people but he is a real nuisance on the leash and he LOVES to bark at anyone that comes within 100 feet of our house. I have the Gentle Leader which is entertaining to see how much it irritates him to have to wear it. He is such a pain though that I tend to prefer NOT taking him with me when I walk which I know isn't the right answer.

So my question is two part. 1) How do you find a good trainer BEFORE you attend and 2) is it too late to teach my crazy boy some proper manners?

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i agree that is never too late.  We adopted Ollie this summer (he was almost 2) and he hadn't had any training.  we have since taken 2 classes and he has made some major improvements.  He is not very good at stay yet, but we are working on it.  don't give up.  It will take time and hard work but it can be done.

I did not take Cooper to a trainer, but I worked really hard at home with her. The most difficult was leash training, but once I got an easy walk harness it was much better. She doesnt bark so i havent had to deal with that. 



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