Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Kaytlin and Cooper
  • Female
  • Northern Ontario
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Kaytlin and Cooper's Friends

  • Kristin and Sophie
  • Shelley & Beans
  • Lori, Quincy & Frankie
  • Seamus & Haidee
  • Jacki Waldman
  • Heather & Daisy
  • Julia
  • Susan, Scott, Stillbe & Carter
  • Jessie Cline
  • Rhonda, Marabelle & Jeriki
  • Kimmy & Chewie
  • Kate
  • Bev and Tess
  • Hazel & Chester Wayte
  • Rose Ann and Amante

Kaytlin and Cooper's Discussions

been away so long - an update

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stella Jul 12, 2014. 25 Replies

noodle doodle

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynda Kamrath Apr 18, 2013. 4 Replies


Kaytlin and Cooper's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a chocolate girl (multi gen australian labradoodle), called Cooper, born April 25th 2009, and 2 tabby girl cats called Merry and Pippin, born December 2003
Added to the family - Legolas (Lego) a lilac lynx siamese (born September 2010)- Coopers new best friend!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
because they are non-shedding, intelligent, and just too darn cute!

We spent months researching labradoodles and found Barb at Gemstones Labradoodles. We just became proud parents of Amber and Hugo's Purple Girl!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
walk, play Frisbee, cuddle, do tricks, fetch balls
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
me :S
Favorite Doodle Products?
Oster dematting rake, Les poochs brush
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Kaytlin and Cooper's Photos

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Kaytlin and Cooper's Blog

update and poor cooper

Posted on April 17, 2013 at 6:53pm 13 Comments

I know, I havent been on here much for a long time! I do come on to read peoples discussions and blogs, and occasionally post in response, but truth is I have been so busy - working full time, and doing renovations on the house (we bought a house in january) (and I start another school course next month so have been "refreshing" my knowledge…


*ANOTHER UPDATE* DH found a little dog

Posted on August 2, 2012 at 4:30pm 26 Comments

DH found a little dog outside last night as he was leaving to go to a friends house. of course, he calls me to catch it. The dog had a collar but no tags, but I recognized him


His name is Buttons, perhaps a yorkie mix. Hes almost a year old, and belongs to a somewhat crazy woman on the 3rd floor. She always acts as if Cooper will eat her Buttons, although Buttons loves Cooper and Cooper is totally overwhelmed by him jumping up at her and is…


help! stop me! theres a doodle at my shelter

Posted on July 28, 2012 at 7:04pm 29 Comments

my MIL and i check out the local humane society webpage every so often. ive always said I hope i never see a doodle there because id find it hard to walk away.... now there is one!

theres no way DH will let me get another…


Another summer hair cut

Posted on May 26, 2012 at 11:30am 17 Comments

So, after giving Cooper a substantial hair cut a month ago, I decided to give her another one. I had not realized just how hot the summer here in Ontario will be (im used to cool Vancouver and British summers). its not even June and we are having plus 30 degrees C weather...

I have got used to Cooper being shorter (I do love her long fur) and have seem so many cute photos of very short doodles, so thought id go for it! I still cant bring myself to shave her, but she is 1 inch…


Cooper - before during and after grooming

Posted on April 29, 2012 at 10:00am 20 Comments

Cooper got brushed one day, bathed the next day, then groomed today. I did the groom myself (its the second time Ive tried it) and I used scissors for it all. I used the videos from Royal Diamond Labradoodles as a guide for a puppy cut. Her front legs look a bit choppy, and I dont like her ears so short, but overall im quite pleased. She is about 1 1/2 inches long on the body and 2 inches long on the legs. It took me about an hour



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At 7:18am on October 18, 2012, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

At 7:06am on July 7, 2012, BG and Gavin said…

Hi Kaytlin! Love your new profile picture!  Cooper looks so big beside the kitty.  Congrats on getting a new job.  What will you be doing?


At 7:16pm on April 10, 2012, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

Glad to help in any way. I just hope Cooper has something else, and something easily treated. Please keep me posted.

At 11:32am on April 9, 2012, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

One more really good article, which gives an extensive overview of the diagnostics and variables:

At 11:25am on April 9, 2012, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

Hi Kaytlin,

Here's a really good general article on IBD in dogs.

As you will see, IBD can take many different forms, and there is no one treatemnt method or diet that works for all of them. So it's important that you know what type of IBD your dog has before following any advice from anyone other than your IMS or the vet who is treating your dog. In some cases, the rate of digestion needs to be sped up, and in others, slowed down. So even a harmless herbal supplement can actually be harmful if it produces the opposite result from what your individual dog needs.

In many cases of IBD, there is a B12 deficiency and/or SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth); Cooper's blood work should give you cobalamine and folate levels which will indicate whether Cooper has these issues. Cobalamine deficiency and SIBO are related to malabsorption issues resulting from bacterial overgrowth, excessive acid secretion, and/or ulceration of the GI lining which prevents nutrients from being absorbed. All of these factors play a role in choosing the right diet for an IBD dog. In some cases, even plain old probiotics make matters worse.

Just some extra info to shed a little light on the reasons why anecdotal info from others about "what worked for my dog" needs to be taken with a grain of salt. This is one reason why this is such a difficult disease to deal with- there are so many variables and no one-size-fits-all approach.

I really hope she doesn't have it.

At 4:12pm on January 27, 2012, Kemp Rader said…

Hi Kaytlin,

I'm glad the Les Poochs brush is working well for Cooper's coat.  :-) I love the photos of Cooper with the cats! I have a few cats as well, and they all get along just fine with the doodles. One of my cats chases the dogs around the house - it's funny to see the role reversal.  :-)

At 2:30pm on November 26, 2011, BG and Gavin said…

Any job opportunities yet Kaytlin?  Thinking of you and wondering how you are adjusting to the Soo :)


At 5:40pm on October 18, 2011, Donna K & Quincy said…
At 4:56am on October 18, 2011, Ann Kendig said…
At 3:33am on October 18, 2011, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…


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