Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well we are still having a problem with Oliver's hot spot. I went back to my original vet, the one that I have used for the last 25 yrs. I only switched because everyone here loves these other vets, and they are close by the house. Well he wasn't getting better, so I went back to my vet and he said what he had was a Granuloma, coming from the licking and itching. We are really not sure what started it, but he said it is one of the hardest things to get rid of. So he changed the meds, has me cleaning it with Betadine everyday and dressing it. He is taking Temirl P, 1 and 1/2 tabs twice a day, and Benedryl twice a day and an antibiotic ointment on the area and an oral antibiotic. It is doing very well, almost gone, but as soon as I undress the area, he goes to lick it!!!!...I say leave it and for the most part he does. I put a white cotton sock over it and tape that, and then a slightly bigger sock over that. He ate the tape off the top sock, so we have left that off, and he is ok with that. We returned the soft collar, he learned to get around that to get to the area, so now we have to go back to the vet, on Fri. for him to have a look. I told my vet that I had used the new vet, but that I needed to come back to him, I feel so much better with him. I did not like that when they did anything to or for your animal they took them in the back and did it, not in front of you...My vet does all in front of you so u can see what they are doing, and talks to u as he does whatever. Anyway, I am so upset, I am just hoping that he will be ok, and we can break this cycle...Wehn he takes the Benedryl and the other stuff, he is not scratcihng. He is eating and drinking well, pooping and peeing normally too...It is so sad, when I tell him to come to me and Daddy, we have to fix his paw, he jumps on the bed, puts his paw across Ira's legs and lets me clean and dress the area. He is so good with it. I am wondering if I should take him to the groomer, and have his coat taken down some. I do not want them to bathe him, just give him a good brushing and trim his fur down...I am just so frustrated, sorry this is so long, I am just so frustrated at this point. Thanks for reading and listening....Any ideas would be appreciated...Thanks guys...

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Cheryl, I'm so sorry that you and Oliver are going through this. It sounds like he's in good hands, and I'll be rooting for him to get rid of this and never have this problem again!
As far as grooming, I'd say use your own judgment as to what would make Oliver the most comfortable. If going to the groomer would stress him, I wouldn't do it.
Hugs to you both!
thanks Karen, I appreciate your kind words...I have to call the groomer and see what she thinks about all this, and I will talk to the vet again today...It is just so frustrating to say the least....
Patience, the right treatment (which it sounds like he's getting), and time will hopefully solve the problem. The key is to NOT let Oliver lick the spot again, so if you have to use the e-collar or bandage the area for a month, so be it. The area needs time to heal, and every time he licks, it's a setback and you risk having to start all over.

I would not let a groomer touch the area before it is 100% healed, it may just get more irritated, which would be another setback.

Did the vet tell you to give Oliver salmon oil or another supplement for his skin? Might be worth considering. Good luck!
I am in total agreement with you, about patience, I just feel so bad for him. Believe it or not his coat is wonderful, and he has no dry skin. I bought Evening Primrose capsules, so I will start him on those shortly. The Vet seems to think he may have gotten a mosquito bite, or an ant bite, and he was licking it, since we are in fl, this is possible year round. And the vet also said that evem after it is completely healed he wants it covered for at least 2 weeks after or longer...So this is going to be a loooong process...Thanks for responding...I appreciate your kind words and ideas...Oh I wasn't getting him bathed at the groomers, just brushed and trimmed around, he does need that, but i will ask the vet about that too....I don't want him stressed more then necessary, although he loves going to the groomers....
Be glad he is not in pain and can follow his normal routine ;) Oliver will be fine, this will pass, just treat him like you normally would, and he won't feel sorry for himself. Dogs are amazingly adaptable and will pick up on your mood, so stay cheerful and optimistic! Next time he starts to lick obsessively, you will know what to do and intervene before the problem escalates and you have to take out a second mortgage to pay the vet bills...
isn't that the truth, it has cost me a fortune so far, I am hoping that they do not charge me for Friday's visit, every little bit helps...
uh oh that is how Oliver started, get him to the vet,they will clip the area and get a good look at it...hopefully it is NOT what Oliver developed, let me know what the vet says and what he did for it....Good luck, and hugs...U can give him some Bebedryl to stop the itching and that might stop the problem...Call the vets office and check the correct dosage for his weight...
I just looked closely at the picture u sent and that is the exact spot where Olivers problem is and it looks the same...Ugh, but of course I am no vet, but I would give him something now to stop the licking and such...I am sure the vet will tell you what to give him...Again good luck and please let me know what he says....
Just seen the photo - the first thing I would think if there is a bump where the sore is - is a grass seed.

We've had several grass seed's embedding themselves in long coated dogs, and sometimes you can still get them out before they travel too far in. I've known them go in at the foot and travel all the way up the leg - and come out near the elbow! Im sure the vet will check for this though.
I feel for you both. My mums little Tibetan Terrier started gnawing at her back last summer, but luckily we got to it quickly and put a tee shirt on her to stop her. Also got some cream from the vets, and had to shave the area. This was a hot spot caused by a flea bite.

This summer we will be getting her coat trimmed right back to keep her cooler - as this will also help.

Doodles do tend to get skin problems from food allergies, has either of your vets looked into this?

Sorry if I've missed the whole diagnosis debate. Welly is sensitive to poultry, and since I've had him on a no poultry, no wheat diet his skin problems have dissapeared, along with his ear infection's. He's now on a homemade raw food diet, and is the healthiest he's ever been. Mum's Tibeatn is also on this diet, so we'll see how she does this summer. At the moment she's fine, no itching.

Good luck to you and Oliver, I do hope you get to the bottom of his skin problem.
Thank you so much for the reply and your thoughts. Both vets think that because his skin is in such good shape, and he is not scratching anywhere else, they think it is a reaction started with a bite of some kind. We live in Fl. so mosquito bites area possibility all year long, as are ant bites. We shall see what happens, in a few weeks, and then we will see about food allergies...
Actually, 90% of the skin problems in doodles that are related to allergies are caused by environmental or inhalant allergies rather than food allergies. Oliver's symptoms are not at all consistent with allergies, and vets are usually pretty quick to blame allergies for everything. Hot spots are also fairly common in doodles and can be caused by many things; food allergies are the last thing I would worry about.



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