Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

For those who are registered with ALAA/ILA or GANA... Are there any local LD or GD clubs in your area that are affiliated with the above parent organizations?  Similar to the AKC national breed clubs with local chapters.

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I was wondering, if these parent organizations have the same code of ethics and the same focus for the doodle breeds would it not be better to combine to create a larger more geographically accessable organization to facilitate getting more preffered breeders to work towards a breed standard with the goal of joining the american and Canadian kennel clubs. Anything to help people get what they are paying for and encourage competant breeders. Sorry about the spelling I just don't have time to spell check today.
Since nobody has responded...I'll venture a guess: NO. I don't believe any of the above organizations have local chapters or breed clubs.



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