Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today Mariner went out in the snow to pee and couldn't get back in due to the snow drifts and him getting disoreinted.  Just as DW was going out to help Shayna ran to him and "escorted" him in.  She created a path in the snow and encouraged him to follow her.


We got about 18 inches of snow.


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Ha ha, we're going through the same thing with my mini-doodle, Jazzy. My three have never escaped my 4 foot fenced yard but this fall as soon as the leaves left the hedging around my yard, my newest dood, Jazzy decided to scale the wall.

The other three bark like crazy to let me know what happened and we are in the process of adding 2 feet of chicken wire fencing to the top of the chain-link fence. With all the snow, we only have it about 3/4's done, but where it is up, he hasn't jumped again. He continues on until he finds the spot it's not up yet and goes over every once in awhile.

Hopefully, in the next couple weeks it's up all around. The biggest, Jack ( 95# and 6 1/2 foot tall when he stands up) could just about step right over the fence but stands there yelling at Jazz to come back, it's hysterical, if I weren't so mad, I'd laugh.



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