Our pup is learning fast! We picked her up last Saturday and she has gotten used to sleeping in her crate. Nickie walks back to her crate after playtime to take a nap. Only problem is that she barks twice for about 20minutes each time in the middle of night because she got slept on our bed on the first night. Any tips on getting her used to her crate more during the night?
I mainly spent the two months before getting Nickie doing research on the breed and finding a reputable breeder. Unfortunately, I didn't spend too much time reading on training and what games to play with the pup.
What do you guys suggest I teach and what games to play with Nickie?
Right now, we play fetch, tug o war, practicing "sit" and "down". I can't bring her outside of the house just yet because she needs her vaccinations. I know pups soak up a lot during 8-12 weeks and I just want to be sure to teach her everything she needs to know!
I started working on the word "gentle" with Loki as soon as I got him. Whenever he would get a treat or a toy from my hand, if he did it in a more calm manner I would say gentle and give him his favorite kind of treat. I know calm is a ridiculous word to out in the same sentence as puppy but "calmer" maybe? Anyways that was important to me because there are so many young kids in our family and I wanted early one to establish that slow and calm is good, especially with all the puppy mouthing. Side note, it is way way better now but I think getting him used to that word early on helped out a bit.