Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Marianne Kay Apr 14, 2016. 33 Replies 0 Favorites
Hi all!I'm attempting to make a quilt and since I'm not super crafty I'm looking for any advice. I'm browsing right now for cute patterns that are good for beginners. I can do basic sewing but…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Leslie, Yogi & Maci Bear Mar 14, 2016. 4 Replies 0 Favorites
Hi all!So I am planning a vacation and my usual doggie sitter network (my best friend and brother) will be vacationing with me. So I checked out and I have never used the site before but a…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Dec 19, 2015. 5 Replies 0 Favorites
Hi all!I hope I'm not sounding like a nag, I really don't mean too. I just wanted to remind everyone that some holiday plants (poinsettias) can be very toxic and dangerous to our furry friends. I'm…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by linda giorgi Jan 23, 2016. 11 Replies 0 Favorites
Hey all!Anyone have carpal tunnel surgery? I have a friend who had it this morning and is having horrible pain post op and their medications aren't really helping with the pain. Any helpful tips or…Continue
Jessica, Loki and Moose has not received any gifts yet
Posted on February 11, 2016 at 4:10pm 7 Comments 1 Favorite
Posted on December 1, 2015 at 10:24am 4 Comments 1 Favorite
So I swear my dogs are the biggest chickens or they are just screwing with me. I love them and would never trade them for any other dog, but they are the the worst guard dogs in the history of EVER! At least to my knowledge (this is how it is on TV so it has to be true, right?), when there is a knock at the door or the doorbell rings, the normal dog will go and see what's up. Um, not today. Not sure why but today Loki and Moose have decided that they don't want any visitors and…
ContinuePosted on November 18, 2015 at 5:56pm 23 Comments 3 Favorites
Hi Friends!
So couple things about me: I LOVE holidays and get childishly excited about them. Also I am a "camera sergeant" as my brother calls me. I have to take pictures of everything and that includes my dogs which means they are subjected to pictures that I'm sure they would rather not do, but we now have a great routine and they know this means many treats followed but bully sticks (the only time they get them).
Having black/dark colored dogs is…
ContinuePosted on November 14, 2015 at 11:34am 6 Comments 1 Favorite
Hello everyone,
So I decided for the Christmas Card exchange I would dress the boys up and let me tell you they are not thrilled at the idea.... Loki just sat there and seemed confused and Moose looked so miserable and finally just flopped over. So I haven't looked through my pictures on my camera yet to see if there are any good ones to use- hopefully! At least I…
Hot Dogs All Dressed is having a spring sale.
Just put in Grosscollar10 at the checkout.
Scroll down to the my and Nancy's replies in this discussion:
Oh, and you're right, the protein that causes the allergies is found in the dander and the saliva.
Yep, it's called KNF1 and Nancy and I just posted info in another discussion here about it. Here's a great video that explains it, and there's a cute doodle puppy in it.
I would love to be your friend! Thanks for the request! Lucy is just my biggest sweetheart. She will let me do almost anything to her. She is the only one who would allow that red nose on!
Jessica, Loki & Moose are just adorable in their Christmas card photos! As a photographer of multiple Doodles, I very much appreciate the effort that I know you put into it. Sometimes its not easy but they are all worth it!
We received your holiday card. Moose and Loki are adorable. How ever did you manage to get multiple pictures with them posed with hats, antlers, hanker chiefs, and sitting next to each other?! Super Cute! Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! Loved all the poses you got with your boys! Happy Holidays!
Gah! Not yet. Selection is going to start on the 17th. So just a few more days! Even though it's hard to wait, I'm actually quite glad to wait because I'm thinking I'll be able to get a better sense of personality by waiting a little bit longer. I'll definitely let you know once I get to choose, DK will be showered with photos, I'm sure!
Yes Nana is a F1 also. We a south of Grand Rapids.
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