Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

How often do you get your doodle groomed? What do you get at the groomer?

We got our doodle in June when he was 8 wks old. Took him to the groomer in August, they butchered him! Shaved him with like no hair, saying it was the longest they could go with the shaver. It grew back pretty quickly (of course). Well I took him again today, to a new place, asking them NOT to butcher him and make him look like a poodle--picked him up, and thats exactly what they did! He doesnt look the same at all. I know that in a matter of 2 weeks, it will grow out and look good. It was just sooo long and getting matted so easily. The place I went to today saw how disappointed I was and said next time if I bring him when its not soo long, they could possibly do a "sisscor cut" (which of course is like $80!).
Bailey's coat is wavy--not too curly and not super straight. That picture I have posted is from back in July---I should post some more recent ones......

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Sorry you had a bad experience. A lot of groomers don't yet KNOW what doodles are supposed to look like. They know their "breed styles" and that's about it. Not very creative stylists.

I groom Rosco myself. I say either bring a photo of what you'd like to see, find another groomer or start doing it yourself--it's a bit of a learning curve, but very rewarding to do it on your own AND you can make him look just like you want him (eventually ;-)) If you look at the past discussions below you'll find some links to some things that might be helpful. Sometimes a groomer will shave a dog down if he has mats that are too numerous to work on. And most groomers can find mats that the average owner misses.

If nothing else at least talk to the groomer and find out IF he was matted if she can show you or give you some tips on how to keep him mat free -- sometimes seeing it in person helps more than being told. IF she's a nice groomer, she might be very willing to help out.

You might also find our Doodle Grooming group helpful:
I was pretty stressed the first time we took Oski to the groomer because of similar problems our friends had experienced. We found a groomer in Portland that does either scissor cuts or electric clipper cuts. When I took him in I asked her to do a modified poodle "Puppy Cut" where they cut them the same length all over their body--no pom-poms or anything of the poodle feet. I asked her to leave his head & tail alone--I like the doodle plume & regularly trim his eyes so she just trimmed the back of his head the same length as the rest of his body. When I asked for the puppy cut I specified how long I'd like her to leave his hair which is about 1 inch (we were cutting him in the summer due to the heat). This may or not be an option if your dood has mats, sometimes they're so bad that they have to shear them really tight to the skin. Luckily in Portland it's only $50 for a scissor cut :)

Did Bailey have a lot of mats so needed a cut or was he starting to mat & was getting trimmed to prevent it? Another option, besides learning how to groom him yourself would be to get a Les Poochs brush to keep him from matting since it's performing miracles--I'm still waiting on mine but you might want to check out this discussion:
"I want NOTHING shaved -- you can trim her private parts, but DO NOT shave anything....I DO NOT want her to look like a poodle"

LOL! I had a similar conversation with the groomer--I had forgotten about how precise I was. She probably thought I was a wreck but was so nice about it :o}
Thanks so much for taking the time to provide the above link. It's just what I need to take the groomer so they understand what a dood should look like.
I know just how you feel... the one and only time a took Daisy they ruined her. I do it myself now.
We have only had Holly groomed once and didn't like the results. Judy has groomed Holly since then. However, we met a lady with a Goldendoodle that was groomed great. She gave us the name of the groomer and Holly is scheduled for a salon treatment this coming Tuesday.

We will the groomer bring pictures of how we want Holly to look. We want her to look like a well groomed doodle, not a shaved poodle.
i have replied to so many posts like this,
and i guess i am very fortunate wit our groomer!

she is willing to listen to what i am asking her to do...which is NO SHAVING OF THE FACE!!! i only let her use the trimmers on izzy because it take way to long to hand trim her, but she does what is called a puppy cut...this is a universal cut for most puppies, and it leaves the doodles looking cute and fluffy! but lynn (our groomer) knows not to use the clippers onher face...she will just trim up her muzzle and eyes so that she can see. but the best piece of advise to you is get a groomer that is willing to listen to what you are telling them, because gromers are trained to groom a certian breed a certain way, and since doodles are combo, most groomers go with the poodle look...and some prefer that look...but i personally got a doodle because i loved the shaggy muttly look. so they only go with what they know! so just be specific on exactly how you want your pup groomed!!

good luck!!!
I have decided I am really lucky. My groomer charges the same price for each of my dogs - one gets shaved, one gets a Springer cut (leave skirt, feathers, ears) and Ned the doodle who get scissor-cut all over. She is willing to try what I want. Ned has some matting and I am frantic over it thinking that something bad will happen when I leave him but each time I go, I am pretty happy with the result. He does have a smoother, groomed look when I pick him up but that doesn't last that long. I think you need to keep looking for a groomer. Use Man and Tail detangler and get most of the mats out yourself before going.
It is frustrating to try to find a groomer who knows the doodle cut. I still haven't found one and just settle on a shaved poodle cut. not the best look if you want to be true to the doodle but that's what Ive got to work with for now. If anyone out there in the Cincy Ohio area has a great doodle groomer please let me know.
thanks Lucy and Sophie's mom. I'm on the west side of Cincy but you never know, I just might give them a try.
Hollywood is 2 1/2 yrs. old and have had her groomed every 3/4 mos. by the same groomer. We have been satisfied thus far.....UNTIL LAST THURS. I gave the usual instructions of how I wanted her groomed and when I had picked her up, I replied, "WHERE IS ALL HER HAIR???" The groomer stated that she was slightly matted and she had to go shorter. I asked where she was matted, cuz I knew she wasn't (i brush her daily) and she said one matt was between her toes. I said, "so you had to shave all 4 legs????" I was so mad and disappointed w/ this groom that I'm looking elsewhere. I asked for my $ back, but she stated she performed a service and she wouldn't refund. What poor customer service, huh??? I'm on the lookout now for a new groomer in the Richmond area for doodles. Guess I won't need one in the near future since it'll take that long for it to grow back!!!! She even cut her eyelashes off that she has had since birth. They were beautiful! Now they're gone!!!!
Hi -
I'm new to DoodleKisses - my Goldendoodle, Lucy, will be one year old next month. I usually get her groomed once every 2 or 2-1/2 months. Her coat is also straighter, not too curly. Just recently I am having problems with matting. I just gave her a bath and noticed that she had matting behind her ears and in a few other places. We do brush her regularly, so I'm guessing there is no way to avoid this, or is there? Any suggestions for getting out matting? I really dislike pulling on the hair because it rips right out, and I also am afraid to cut her hair because I don't want to accidentally hurt her ears. I'm afraid if she goes to the groomer with matts, they'll clip her and I'll have an experience like yours - their solution is always to shave everything off! Any suggestions? Thanks! Shari (and Lucy!)



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