Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We put a nonrefundable deposit on a goldendoodle pup back in May, and we're looking at end of October/beginning of November to get our pup. Unfortunately, my husband very recently tested positive for dog allergies. We still want to try, as I am a dog person and have been without for about 10 years. Still have little kids at home. I've been in contact with a wonderful person who breeds giant schnoodles in Montana, and now I'm thinking of forgoing our deposit and going with a giant schnoodle instead. Any guidance out there? I feel like we may be taking too big of a risk with a goldendoodle re: allergies, but then again, it could be just as risky with a schnoodle. If we go with the schnoodle, we lose our deposit on the goldendoodle, plus pay more money...zoiks! I know the best thing to do is not get a dog...but that would break my heart. Of course if we got a dog and then had to give him away, that'd break everyone's heart. Help!

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The giant schnauzer I *think* is non-shedding as is the poodle so shedding would be taken care of with that mix.
Does the breeder do full health testing on both parent dogs? Hips, eyes, DNA testing? Is there a decent warranty on the pup for at least 2 yrs where you get to keep your dog AND get $$$ back in case of hereditary condition?

What about a Standard Poodle? They are great dogs that only look silly if they get silly haircuts =)

Here is a thread that might be helpful on allergies:
Hi Adina,
Thanks for replying so quickly! Our understanding is the giant schnauzer is a non-shedding dog which would help. The breeder does full health testing, is quite comprehensive and has been super helpful. She even mailed us hair from one of her dog's mouth area and body for my husband to rub his hands in and then rub his hands all over his face. He did fine! But might not after months of accumulated dander. She gives the long warranty and will refund. She has been top notch in her communication with me, and has been extremely understanding. We have considered a standard poodle, and may end up going that route - just got hooked on a goldendoodle we met. Thanks for the thread - lots of helpful information.
I just had an allergy panel and my dog/ cat allergies were incredibly high. I have had our goldendoodle (F1b) since March and have not had a single problem. She doesn't shed and other people with allergies haven't had a problem either. But I guess not all goldendoodles end up not shedding or are hypoallergenic ... good luck!
Wow, that's great. Very encouraging - glad to hear it's working out for you!
I had a medium size schnoodle who was the best dog I ever had (sorry, Jack), and she was completely non- shedding. Excellent temperament, wonderful with kids & other dogs, adorable, calm, easy to train...I could go on and on. After she died, I couldn't find a breeder who I would trust. DK member Joy is an excellent breeder of Giant Schnoodles, but I don't think she is currently breeding. She could probably give you referrals though, or advice on what to look for.
I would definitely also look at standard poodles; they are brilliant, very people oriented, much more focused than retrievers, and with their coats grown out, there is very little difference in appearance from an F1B doodle.
As you know there simply is no such thing as a "hypoallergenic" dog. The human body has the capacity to be allergic to anything - or nothing at all, As far as non shedding goes there are many breeds that are non shedding as well. I have an f1b Goldendoodle (75% poodle 25% GR). She doesnt shed at all to date (7 months old). My mom who is very asthmatic has not reacted to her at all. I havent heard any other complaints from my other friends who have allergies either. Good luck with your choice.
Zoiks, love that word! On Nancy, I'm so sorry about your situation. We got our goldendoodle six months ago and did not expect him to shed, but he does... a lot. I just feel like maybe you shouldn't take the chance because I know after you had that goldendoodle it would kill you to get rid of him. The reason we got Remington is because I did not want a shedding dog, however that is exactly what I got, however, I would not trade him for the world and would rather clean up all the hair than even think of my life without him... but we don't have allergies either. My advice would be to just go with a dog that does not shed such as a poodle. I would rather you do that than have your heart broken if you had to get rid of your goldendoodle. Good Luck!
If you are so set on a goldendoodle, why not talk with the breeder let them know what is going on with your hubby and see if she has an older dog that does not shed and let your hubby be around that dog for a few days and see how it works out. Sometimes breeders have older puppies and are willing to let them go in situations like this. I would also contact Joy Originator of GiantSchnoodles here on DK under the Members list and talk with her about Schnoodles. Those are the best two options I could think of.
EXACTLY what Hannah and Honey's mom said! BTW, older doesn't have to mean an old dog.
I think an older dog might be a choice. Or even go onto F1B's or multigenerational doods for less/no shedding. My mini GD does not shed. Also contact Teri Fannof Goldens n doodles. She has a close friend that breeds snoodles. Also, Std Poodles are great dogs. I know several that are smart, beautiful, athletic, etc.



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