Hi Sabrina,
We are coming down to play at the beach tomorrow! We are planning to play at Ocean Beach on Friday and Saturday, probably about 10am each day! Would love to meet up with you at some point if you can!! Hope to see you, Denice, Coco and Sabrina
Hi Sabrina! How are you doing? We are going to be in So Cal for a few days after Christmas from the 26th until the 29th. Nancy and Ned in So Cal have set up a romp on December 28 at a park in Laguna..we are staying in Laguna, for 10am. If you go to my page there is a note, link to the romp page with specifics about location and times..would love it if you guys could come up and "romp" with our Doodles! Would be fun to see you again! We are also going to the beach with them Saturday and Sunday so you could join us then also if possible! Let me know what you think...Bye for now!
Hi Sabrina, Gracie Doodle just came home from a 9 day stay at the Alpine Dog Ranch. Go to my page and check out the pictures. She had a wonderful time even though she was a dirt bag!!!!!
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We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM MARIANNE - OZZY & ZOEYComments and Graphics - Layouts - Photobucket
We are coming down to play at the beach tomorrow! We are planning to play at Ocean Beach on Friday and Saturday, probably about 10am each day! Would love to meet up with you at some point if you can!! Hope to see you, Denice, Coco and Sabrina
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