Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi, DK friends! I just wanted to say hi and tell you what's been going on with me lately.

Some of you know that recently I have been having a problem running and jumping. I was trying very hard not to let my mom know about it, because I hate to worry her, and I do have my tough guy image to maintain. But my mom figured out that I wasn't running or getting up on her bed because I couldn't, and not because I didn't want to. These smart moms can be very difficult to manage sometimes.

Today I went to see a new kind of special doctor who knows about bones and nerves and things like that.

He was very nice. He examined me and took some Xrays.

The good news is, I have a lot of very good muscle, and very good muscle tone. I am also very strong. (Gee, I didn't need a doctor to tell me that!) The vet says I do not have hip dysplasia or anything wrong with my legs or my hips. My regular vet thought I had arthritis, but this new doctor does not think I do. That's the good news!

What he does think is that there is something wrong with the lower part of my spine. The Xrays showed something there. It might be something called spondylosis, or it might be something called a herniated disc. They cannot tell exactly what it is without doing a special test called an MRI. The new vet does not think we need to do that yet, and I am glad, because I would have to be asleep for it, and that is kind of scary. The doctor and my mom decided that first we will try a new medicine for two weeks and see if that helps me. The new medicine is for pain. So I have to take two more pills every day, which brings the total number to 14. That's the not-so-good news.

My mom also wanted me to ask you if any of you have used a ramp for your dogs to help them get in and out of the car. I can get out just fine, but I am having some trouble getting in. Today Cassie, my vet tech, had to help lift my butt to help me get in, and I felt so embarrassed about it, I couldn't help crying out loud, which made my mom very sad. So she is looking into getting me something called a ramp so I can get into the car (my mom said tell you it's an SUV) easier. We would be grateful for any recommendations or advice.  

Anyway, that's about all for now. I hope you are all having a good summer.

Your friend,



The new medication does not seem to be helping, in fact, it may be making things worse. It's a human anti-seizure drug, Gabapentin. Over the last ten days, he's been experiencing a kind of collapsing of his hind end. It happens randomly when he is just walking, his back legs kind of bow out and his rear end goes down as if he's about to poop, but it's really that his back end just kind of collapses. It only lasts seconds and then he can walk again, but it'a very disturbing and scary. It may not happen for several days and then it will happen repeatedly on a single day. He's also displaying some spatial confusion. So we are discontinuing the meds, and it looks like an MRI will be the next step. I'm going to wait a few days and see how he does without the meds.



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You both must be basket cases!  So hope the next few days will go okay.  Much love and hope and hugs--

Thanks, Pat.

Oh wow and I are a mess these days.  Currently I am only taking 4 pills so you have me beat on that.  I too play "in your mouth" and have for years inside the house.  We don't do tennis balls but I have my "monsters"  which are the second best ever from tennis balls.  Currently my jaw is good and I can catch but now I have problems with my feet!!!  WTD??? I can't seem to catch a break.  The Prednisone has cause me to get skin bacterial infections because my mom says it has killed all the good bugs in my body and the bad ones that just hang out waiting are finally getting their chance.  Don't get me wrong, I am a very clean girl.  My Mom keeps me nice and clean and is always checking out every square inch of my body.  That was even when I was normal and didn't have this autoimmune disease.  Now she is almost afraid to look because she keeps finding big owies on my heels, between my toes and even my cuticles on my nails are inflamed and puffy.  I don''t help the issue at all because I keep licking my feet until the bleed.  She put neosporin on them and then my shoes.  My toe nails are worn down to the quick and bleeding which is from chasing tennis balls which currently is the only thing I do.  JD...I am a mess and not very attractive these days.  My Mom trimmed my paws today so I look like I have Poodle feet.  She wants them to be able to get air in them to help dry them out.  Forget that I am always on wet grass, standing in my water bowl or licking them!!!  I is a useless battle for her and I feel so badly putting her through this but my feet hurt and licking them makes me feel better.  I am also losing  hair on my feet, legs, my poofer on the top of my head and my beautiful plume tail...she cries a lot but is always hugging me and telling me how much she loves me and how badly she wants me to get better.  Tomorrow I go into the vet to have him look at my feet.  I know he will put me back on an antibiotic.  I just went off three weeks on one and instantly the sores stared showing up only this time is is big time and in many more places...and can you believe I am producing "soft serves" which is so embarrassing!!!  I may be a Tom Boy but this is disgusting!!!  Oh, did I tell you that we have had a huge heat wave and major humidity which we are not supposed to have in San Diego?  I hate heat and don't do well in it.  It has been almost a month and only today is there a break in sight.  Thank goodness my Mom and Dad put A/C in our house 4 years ago and they did it for ME!!!  I sure do love them but I am just not showing it right now because these medications make me not happy and cheerful.  So and I have a bit in common but I do have to say you have it quite a bit worse than I do.  You were one of my first DK had me at...the big NOSE!!!  ha ha  I know your Mom is just like mine and they won't stop for a second when it comes to our health and quality of life.  We are their special mission in life and they are our Angels.  Hope all goes well and they find something with the MRI because then you will have some answers and a plan.  I love you Jackdoodle...xxoo GracieDoodle

Hi Gracie, I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. Sometimes my feet itch so bad I lick them until they get all sore and infected, but the steroids usually make that better. A couple of years ago, the skin doctor gave my mom special lotions to use on my feet to make them better. One was called Genesis and one was called ResiKetoChlor. My mom had to mix them together and put it all over my feet wearing rubber gloves! WTD? Like it's okay if it touches my paws, but not hers???? But it was better than taking more pills, and it helped my feet without causing side effects, whatever those are. Maybe your mom could ask your doctor about that.

Soft serve is a problem for me, too, since I got IBD. I take pills called VSL#3, it's a probiotic that people take for tummy troubles, and it really helped. Maybe your mom could ask your doctor about that, too, if you have to go back on antibiotics. My mom gets it at the human drugstore.

Gracie, you will never be a mess to me, no matter what. I will always love you and think you are the most beautiful doodle girl in the world. I am no cover boy right now, either, my eyelids are all purple from allergies. We have a lot on common, Gracie, and the biggest thing is that we both have moms who love us with all their hearts and will do anything to make us feel better.

I love you,



JD, We want you to get all better soon! Love, Fudge and Vern

Gracie and Nancie, I am so sorry you are going through all this bad stuff. I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts, too!! Vern looks pretty good in a Nurse's uniform :)

NOOOOOOoooooooooo!!! Please don't dress Vern in a nurse's uniform! You will give me nightmares!



ROTFL....I hope this made you smile :) I wonder what size he would wear. LOL

You can borrow my old nursing uniform from school. I have the white cap and all!!!

Sorry you're still feeling bad, too, GracieDoodle.

Hi Sweet Gracie... We are so sorry you are taking that nasty prednisone... We hope you get to feeling better....

Lots of love to you and your mommy,

Jack Daniels and his mommy!!

Oh Gracie, I am so very sorry to hear about your continuing troubles. I hope the vet has some solutions literally and figuratively.



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