Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Looking for some training on what to do when my pup grabs something he shouldn't and runs away wanting me to chase to retrieve it. I've tried standing still, ignoring him, giving a treat when he drops, etc. But sometimes he's grabbed something that will either hurt him or I don't want him to tear it up.

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This is one we've had lots of practice with.

When our puppies grab soemthing we don't want them to have, we grab a toy and run in the opposite direction, acting like we are having Oh so much fun with the toy.  9 times out of 10, they drop what they have and come after you to get whatever you have.

Wroks like a charm.
Does he know basic commands?  Sometimes when Buddy grabs something I try to take it and he wants to play.  Most of the time I am able to tell him "Stay" and it allows me to get to him and take the toy.  Gail's suggestion also works at other times.  Good luck!
So, because I'm a bit of a "training nut", I'd have to say your best cure is to teach the "drop it" command.   If you'd like you can start a discussion in the Training group, and I'm sure you'll get lots of feedback on how others have trained this.
Is your pup amish?  Because Jack likes to play that same game.  He also likes to come just close enough that you think you can grab him and then he does his crazy leg run.

Until you have trained some obedience things (the "come" command, the 'drop it' command) to where he will do them can keep a long leash on him in the house so you can just step on it (then he can't run off) and reel him in.  Always praise when he gets to you and praise when he gives stuff to you.  The leash helps.  Pups just aren't good at dealing with too much freedom and avoiding temptations--no more than little toddlers are.  So also try to keep temptations out of reach (though sometimes who knows how they find stuff!)


But obedience training is a must so that you can, eventually after some hard work, just call him to you and tell him to give it to you.  Or call him before he grabs it.

I do agree, Adina.  Rua is on a leash in the house.  It really helps.  We also have a collar on her with bells so we know where she is.  We are giving her a bit more freedom right now...I'll let her out of my sight for a few minutes and then check on her.  She is, more often than not, not far away, lying on the floor playing with a toy.  If I don't see her, I just call her name and I'll hear her bells.  I'll call her name excitedly and add "Here" RUA HERE!  I am not using COME unless I have hold of her leash and can enforce the come.  She is quite small and AMAZINGLY quick, so if she isn't on a leash and is playing the grab and chase me can take awhile to capture her.  We are working on the "drop it"...she is getting way better.  Tonight she pilfered a sock from the laundry basket and I did a "DROP IT" and she opened her mouth and let it drop!  YEAH RUA!!!  If she is about to "thief" something, I will tell her to "LEAVE IT".  We are making progress.  I must say the last 2 weeks have certainly gotten easier. 

Rooney loves to grab a sock or house slipper and then try to make off with it.  I ALWAYS keep treats on my person (training situations can crop up at any time).  Now he knows that I will NOT take one step towards him, I say "drop it" and when he does - "YES!  Good drop" with lots of praise.  Is he 100% - not yet but we practice drop by playing ball.  We throw it and he fetches and when he brings it back we say "drop it" and when he does - treat and praise.  One suggestion - Rooney's toy box is on the floor where he can reach in, dig and pull out what he wants to play with.  This gives him the opportunity to "find" something that is o.k. to have.

Thanks everyone for all the very helpful advice. Fitz is a rescue - one of the Three Amigos from NC. We think he's around a year old. He's finished one 6-weeks class, starting our 2nd one (Manners Matter) next week. The first was basically to help with his fear of people, sounds, unfamiliar places, etc. All your suggestions are exactly what I needed as we continue to work on basic commands. 

Linda, I think it's awesome that you're doing this training with Fitz.  I think you have your priorities totally right, working first on making him feel more comfortable and confident.  Please keep us posted...
Will do. Thanks for the encouragement. Had planned to continue with the F Scott Fitzdoodle blog, but bathroom remodeling project got in the way. Will try to remember to post some of the many positives of our life with two doodles now. Fitz is such a clown!

Good to hear an update on Fitz and the family.  Miss talking with you.  Did you follow the adoption for Angus now Gus?  Hope you all are having a wonderful New Year (even if it is only the 4th).  Look forward to seeing ya'll at a romp or another Chattanooga foster transfer. 

I did follow-up on Gus and also on Winston. Feeling remiss about not keeping everyone updated on Fitz esp with photos. Now using my phone for all photos and haven't learned how to transfer to computer. Tomorrow he has an appt with the groomer - a real haircut. His curls are getting a little too long for me to manage. Still gorgeous though!

Look forward to seeing you again, too.



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