Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

so, I work for an orthodontist.. this morning a patient and her dad came in.. we started somehow getting into a conversation about dogs, and how I always find lost dogs and rescue them and things like that.. so me and the father started talking and it turns out they have 4 dogs, so of course I asked what kinds (lab/golden mix.. toy Chihuahua and 2 lab/boxer mixes) I asked all sorts of questions, names, ages, asked to see pics.. and they were all cuties!! I said wow 4 dogs I can barely deal with 1 when he was a puppy and I told him I have a goldendoodle.. I got no response.. then I showed him a picture..and showed him a picture or response..not hes cute or anything.. I thought it was weird because we were just chatting so much about his dogs and all that.. then I asked him where he got his 2 lab/boxer mix twins..and he said he adopted them and that he doesn't believe in buying dogs.. and this and that.. I felt kinda bad I must say..i mean then I realized why he didn't even respond when I said I had a goldendoodle or when I showed him a picture.. I guess he felt I got a "designer dog".. I got a goldendoodle because I have allergies and asthma..very bad in fact.. and I had a toy mini and standard poodle and wanted to try a different breed.. I heard so much about doodles and how they are great dogs and honestly, they are the cutest!!! I love midas to death..i just hate when people kind of look down on me for getting a mixed breed or "designer dog" when that's not at all why I got a doodle.. I could tell this man was judging me once he heard the type of dog I had.. I thought that was kind of mean.. it was obvious in my office that he stopped talking once I mentioned my dog and his breed.. and no response at all to my picture?? ok even if u didn't think he was cute at least say something like "wow hes big" lol I don't know I just felt awkward and uncomfortable and I felt like I had to explain myself as to why I chose a doodle and didn't adopt. I am all for adopting that's wonderful! and if I knew about doodles for adoption I probably would have, but It didn't end up that was and I have the love of my life Midas! anyways rant over.. lol


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Sometimes I just do not understand people and their rudeness!  Each dog is beautiful in their own way and not to acknowledge your dog at all is very sad. I'm sorry he made the moment uncomfortable for you and he is definitely not a very nice person.  

You have no reason to feel any kind if guilt. You're happy( and allergy free) and Midas is happy. End of story. There is nothing wrong with adopting a shelter animal, we have a few rescues. But this time, I knew what I wanted. Enter our Enzo. Those who toss around the guilt trip, are not worth my time.

Ignore didn't do anything wrong ;)  As nice as it is to rescue & adopt, the truth of it is that all dogs need a home.  If no one bought dogs that are for sale, what would happen to them?

Rescue/designer/purebred all = love

Given to you/purchased from breeder/paying same fee to rescue group = love

I have had all the different types, the dogs never knew any difference, they just loved me unconditionally and I might say many opinionated  people out there could probably learn a lesson from any of these dogs, who all play together no matter where they came from.

Beautifully said Judy.

Fortunately we don't have to live our lives to please complete strangers! :)  I've had similar incidents occur regarding Tara. Some people (not all) who adopt a dog from a shelter or rescue organization end up being very self righteous about it. So in some way the dog is feeding their ego trip. It's their loss that they are unable to love and appreciate ALL dogs regardless of their origin.  You gave the guy an opportunity to hear your story and learn from it. You gave it your best now it's time to let him go end enjoy Midas. :)

Does you saying "I have a GoldenDoodle" automatically mean that you bought him?  Maybe you rescued from a horrible abuse sitatuion.  This man didn't know where you got him.  He was arrogant and rude!  With the business you are in I would think twice about being rude to the staff ... that could result in some pain!

This just made me *snort* out loud! LOL

Good one Sheri!

LOL, Sheri!

Sherri has a point.  Lidocaine in a syringe looks the same as sterile water.  Just saying....

Can't believe that...that is horrible...I am so sorry that least you know the love and joy that these beautiful doodles bring to our lives...I feel sad for him that he won't ever get to experience these precious gems!



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