Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have twice.  Once was our 18 year old mixed springer spaniel.  She was in pain and running around.  That is when we knew it was time.  The other was yesterday.  Kate, nine month old labradoodle, decided to chew on electrical cord.  Couldn't tell if she ate any.  She also had unseasonable ticks on her.  Anyway, she threw up her breakfast then continued to try to throw up.  When my husband took her to the Emergency Vet our puggle whined.  When he came back at night without her - he cried.  She is now at our regular vets.  She was on IV.  She eliminated and wagged her tail.  Please, please by OK.

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I hope that Kate will be okay. Please keep us posted. 

Hoping Kate comes home soon.

Sending positive thoughts for Kate. <3

Oh I hope she is okay, I hate when anything is wrong with our babies, anything….. Keep us updated.. As far as crying, my guy is a crier.   He cries when he see's a bird he is trying to chase but can't get to it, he cries when he has to go outside and I am not paying attention…. He cried when i rolled over on him and broke his tail and as a puppy, oh my heart couldn't stand it, he cried and cried in the crate……..

It is definitely different than a whine.  There is real anguish in his voice.  We was so attached to our boxer that we got Kate.  He was 11 weeks old when we rescued him.  He was with his two brothers and seemed very leery of humans.  

Keeping my fingers crossed that Kate is okay!  Keep us posted!

Sending prayers for Kate to feel better and come home soon. <3

I sure hope that Kate is okay.  I'd be worried about the ticks on her...what do you use as your flea and tick preventative?

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers.  We are hoping she snaps out of this soon.  

In the past 18 months or so we have had three dogs, all with bladder control issues, have to be put down.  The 18 year old Springer mix had hormone problems that she wet herself when she slept.  The eleven year old sweet boxer had a bad back, compromised mobility, and wet when she laid down.  The 18 year old dachshund just went wherever, usually within reach of the door.  They all had serious health issues.  Recently Foxy, our granddog, was seven.  Prettiest dachsund I ever saw.  She roamed away from the house and was run over.  

Kate had to have an operation after the spay because she only had two stitches and again, she strayed.  Finn and Kate stayed out all night last week.  Fortunately a neighbor and responded on Facebook. In the morning they were home.  Now, our Kate, who hasn't chewed anything abnormal, suddenly decided to chew an electrical cord.  It's not unusual to quit using tick control once the weather is cold.  The ticks and fleas have been worse this year.  I have not heard of any local virus that would cause this but it's a possibility.   

So Kate is at our regular vets.  I'm hoping she starts to eat and drink.   She is so sweet and even ill she wags her tail at you.  

Looking into an electronic fence.  Meanwhile I will let the dogs out one at a time.

Susan, please consider not "letting the dogs out" at all, but rather taking them out on leash, until you can look into the fence. Letting any dog run loose off leash without supervision is a recipe for disaster, as you have unfortunately learned. 

Has the vet done an X-ray to determine if Kate ingested a piece of the electrical cord? 

I agree.  The only safe way when you don't have a fence is to walk them on leash.  Also, our Vet recommends year round use of Frontline even here in New England where we have some very cold Winters.  Again, I'm so hopeful that you get some good news.

We have had country dogs for 38 years and they learn from previous dogs.  Unfortunately our puggle is more adventuresome than previous teachers.  We live on 20 acres in the middle of the country.  Everyone around here has country dogs.  Do I wish I had a fenced yard or electronic fence - sure.  Do I wish I could walk without a walker or cane - sure.  Do I wish I lived in a single story house - you bet.  But we don't.  So the next best thing is how to keep her safe.  The electrical cord is from a dog that hadn't chewed on anything in five months with me four feet away.  

Sorry, I am so stressed.  There are people out there that understand a dog in the country vs when I lived in Chicago or Decatur.  Finn is lethargic as he was when we put our boxer down.  

You can get electronic collar and lay the wire on top of the ground except when it crosses the lane.  We had to pay $2000 to sell my Subaru because the mice ate the wire.  Now the squirrels have eaten my Durango wire.  I think Kate would do OK with electronic collar.  I don't think Finn would.  They also have one that puts out a signal for ¾ of an acre which is a possibility.

For the family that was thinking of insurance I would have said no until Kate.  

So, calling all country folk.  Like to have your input.  Susan



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