Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Susan & Randy's Kate
  • Female
  • Ash Grove,Missouri
  • United States
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Susan & Randy's Kate's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Jun 9, 2015. 5 Replies

Just because Kate hasn't done it for months doesn't mean she won't.  I made breaded pork tenderloin and gravy just like my mom used to do when I was a kid.  It was really good.  I left to go eat and…Continue

Chewed my shoe but retrieved it when I asked her to get it. : )

Started this discussion. Last reply by Susan & Randy's Kate Jun 6, 2015. 5 Replies

Let me preface it by saying I have difficulty wearing shoes.  I have a pair of sandals (which they don't make anymore) that have a negative heel.  It  helps lock my ankle and knee in place because my…Continue

Have you ever heard a dog cry?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Three Doodle Life Dec 30, 2014. 32 Replies

I have twice.  Once was our 18 year old mixed springer spaniel.  She was in pain and running around.  That is when we knew it was time.  The other was yesterday.  Kate, nine month old labradoodle,…Continue

Kate Came in House as Ordered Even With Frantic Dog and Squirrels.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Susan & Randy's Kate Dec 13, 2014. 12 Replies

We caught two squirrels in a live trap (they have eaten the car wiring and our deck).  The…Continue

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Welcome, Susan & Kate

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Susan & Randy's Kate replied to Candacelee's discussion Blue Doodle coat & size predicts ??? in the group Puppy Madness
"What a beautiful pup. Great picture. We have a black shih tzu and it’s hard to photograph black. Our Kate is a labradoodle and she was around 20 lbs around 4 months and she’s 52 lbs now. I’d say Lucy will be 70 pounds at least."
Apr 25, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
I am retired from working in a hospital laboratory as a technologist. We live in the country in the midst of 20 acres of trees. I like to quilt and spend time with the family.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have Kate Born 4-1-14 labradoodle. She is loving, sweet and a little stubborn sometimes. We have a Shih Tzu Zoey. She was born 4-14-15 and is over 20 lbs. She is ornery, inquisitive and her play is like a kitten. Great pair. Then what’s the craziest thing you can do. Get a boxer pup. He was born
8-3-17. Boxers just wanna have fun. Friday we’re getting a granddog that is a black and white Parti Golden Doodle. My daughter is hoping to train him and take him into preschool class. He has a boxer brother.

Kate birthday was 4-1-2014.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We wanted a lab mix that may be a little smaller and lighter than a lab. We found two but ended up with a pretty wispy looking labradoodle from a local breeder.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Kate loves to be loved. The most fun is watching the three dogs run and chase each other. The Shih Tzu is the boss.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Favorite Doodle Products?
Love the duck from Amazon. She loves old knotted socks. I am not sure about balls since they have all disappeared. She likes chew bones. Not sure of the brand but they are very hard and laminated and the dogs take turns gnawing on them. When I got Kate I threw out toys for smaller dogs. After the recent death of a beloved doodle I threw out her socks. Important to evaluate appropriate toys as they grow.
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Susan & Randy's Kate's Blog

Thanksgiving and long reach of a labradoodle puppy.

Posted on November 28, 2014 at 12:38am 5 Comments

I worry because Kate has discovered she can reach the counter and steel the dachshunds food, or look on the stove to see what popcorn is, and reach in the sink to drink the water that is defrosting the (plastic wrapped) turkey.

HELP!!!  She is actually pretty compliant but when the owner is away or sleeping well .....

K&H Thermal Bowl Waterer

Posted on November 20, 2014 at 1:54pm 2 Comments

I just received this bowl.  It seems like it will work for us.  We keep the water outside because the puggle will drink then pee.  It was 22 degrees last night and there was a thin layer of ice on top.  I removed the ice and added a little warm water it has been OK all day.  The cord is wire wrapped.  Unfortunately the cord is only about 6 foot so we had to add an extension cord.  Seems to work.  4.5 * rating, $22 on Amazon.

Spay Day

Posted on November 18, 2014 at 8:53pm 22 Comments

Kate is nearly 8 months old and was supposed to be spayed a couple of weeks ago but threw up that morning.  She was spayed today.  We worried because 25 years ago we had a dog die during a spay.  She's home and clearly sore.  She threw up bile a little.  We have pain medicine for her but she needs to eat first.  Poor baby.  Seemed to take awhile to come totally out of sedative.  Usually they bounce back quickly.

This picture was Kate from a couple of weeks ago.  She was so…


Love those Doodles.

Posted on November 14, 2014 at 10:39am 7 Comments

I love looking at all the doodles.  They are similar but so unique. They are goofy, love to play, love hugs the most but each one is so individual.  Their color, fur, personality, size are so special.  We have had "pure bred" dogs but there is something special about the anticipation is how will they look.  We have a blue print but the ultimately we wait to see how special they turn out to be.  Love those doodles.

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At 6:25am on July 15, 2018, Teresa O'Rourke said…

Good morning!  I will try to send a picture of Motown, my black Labradoodle - he is magnificent!  I am a bit technologically challenged, but I will try.  Have a great Sunday, all- and keep the Doodledogs (people, as I call them) Cool.  Teresa

At 4:51pm on January 29, 2018, Jennie and Charlie said…

She's getting so big!

At 10:20pm on August 6, 2015, Jessica Labate said…
Hi! My little maltipoo needs a lot of grooming he's also very snippy but we assume it's because he's getting to his grumpy old man stage! He was the first of all my dogs now 13 and has a very dominant personality so watch Out! I have a shih tzu too and she's the best! She gets along with other dogs and loves to be lazy. She's also very tolerant of my kids ;). I wouldn't recommend a maltipoo from my personal experience although it may be different bringing in a puppy to a new environment with a bigger dog. Goo
d luck on your new quest of finding a match!
At 10:33pm on July 18, 2015, Melanie Johnson said…

Thank you.  We think she is pretty special!  I'm in my fifties and this is the first dog I have ever been able to get close to.  Oh, we had dogs when I was a kid, and we had a few earlier in our marriage, but due to allergies/migraines I always had to distance myself from our pets.  So, Belle is really my "first" pet.  She's a gem!

At 10:55am on July 17, 2015, Lynn Chevalier said…

Charlie is already getting many curly white hairs.  I have no idea what color he will end up but his mother is chocolate and his father is a parti.  I will update with pictures soon.  Thanks for your comments!

At 9:35am on July 17, 2015, Martha Sullivan said…
Thanks! Doodle are awesome. I love reading these posts to find that mine is not the only mischievous one! Does anyone else have a dog from stargazer labradoodles?
At 8:04pm on June 27, 2015, Carol Hackler said…

Oh yah, a perfect angel - NOT!  That's why we love her so, because of all her doodly mischief!

At 9:00am on June 21, 2015, npeebles said…
Thank you so much! My family is in love with him!
At 7:39am on June 17, 2015, Kaitlin and Ludo said…

Thanks so much for the welcome!  I'm so excited to be part of this community and I'm learning SO much.  

At 9:08am on June 15, 2015, Andrew Altman said…

Thank you so much Susan. We are excited to be a part of doodle kisses! 



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