He is our hopeful stud puppy from our most recent litter. He needs a Noble name and one that is studdley too. I like food (desserts but nothing girly)and terms of endearment. Prefer non common names.
Also he is red not brown... that might help
as customers, dog shoppers and buyers would you be offended by the names
He is so handsome and very regal looking to me, so here is my suggestion:
Aedan, Aodhan "aid + an" or "aid + on" Aidan
A diminutive form of the name Aed meaning "fire" and would imply "born of fire." It became a popular name in honour of St. Aidan of Iona (c. 630 AD) who founded a famous monastery on the island of Lindisfarne which he used as a base to evangalize the North of England. In art Aidan is usually represented as a stag, a reference to the legend that he saved a deer that was being hunted by making it invisible.