Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Noble Vestal Labradoodles
  • Female
  • Noblesville, IN
  • United States
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Noble Vestal Labradoodles's Friends

  • Fitz & Henry
  • Adrienne
  • Stephanie Brown
  • Robyn & Sadie
  • Toni Flitcraft
  • Jaynie Perry
  • Ann ~Oliver & Rosie
  • Jena ~ Dublin
  • jesstat
  • Jennifer and Jack
  • Trina L Lavoie
  • Sarah Carlson
  • William
  • Shawn & Bella
  • M. Eaton

Noble Vestal Labradoodles's Discussions

Sauganash/Chicago Doodle Romp

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sabina Jul 4, 2012. 7 Replies

Indianapolis Doodle Romp

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom Sep 29, 2010. 1 Reply

Help Me Name This Boy

Started this discussion. Last reply by Noble Vestal Labradoodles Oct 26, 2009. 60 Replies


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Noble Vestal Labradoodles's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Noble Vestal Labradoodles is a home based premium breeder of the Australian Labradoodle. We specialize in mini, medium and standard; chocolate and red Labradoodles that are allergy friendly and Service or Therapy Companion quality. CGC, Delta, R.E.A.D. certified.

I grew up wit a ton of pets, you name it I had it. My favorites were dogs and frogs! seriously, I love frogs!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Australian Labradoodles

Atta Girl~ Brown medium curly girl. She is a spunky girl who loves to work.

Sweetie~ Large mini red wavy girl. She just loves to give love.

Then there is Lulu the Siberian Forest Cat, Narnia the Bengal, Winnie the tiny black cat and Mister the cat who thinks he is a puppy...
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I wanted a dog that I could work in the community with. We do various therapy sessions with our dogs, some public and some private.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Therapy Work
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do
Favorite Doodle Products?
Mink Sheen
Buster Cube
Les Pooch
Potty Park
Life's Abundance
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Noble Vestal Labradoodles's Photos

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Noble Vestal Labradoodles's Videos

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Noble Vestal Labradoodles's Blog

Grooming Diagram

Posted on September 10, 2009 at 1:53pm 7 Comments

Socialization With People

Posted on December 7, 2008 at 4:28am 1 Comment

Raising and training a pup to be people-friendly is the second most important goal of pet-dog husbandry. Of course, teaching bite inhibition is always the most important goal. But during your pup's first month at home, urgency dictates that socialization with people is the prime puppy directive.

As a rule of thumb, your puppy needs to meet at least a hundred people before he is three months old. Since your puppy is still too young to venture out on the streets, you'll need to start… Continue

Home Alone

Posted on December 7, 2008 at 4:27am 2 Comments

All owners find it occasionally necessary to leave their puppydog at home alone. So before leaving your puppy for long periods, you should teach him how to amuse himself appropriately when left alone, such as by chewing stuffed chewtoys, and learning how to enjoy his own company without becoming anxious or stressed. A dog is a highly social animal and therefore requires adequate preparation for spending some of his time in social isolation and solitary confinement.

To teach your… Continue

Errorless Housetraining

Posted on October 16, 2008 at 1:14pm 1 Comment

Housesoiling is a spatial problem, involving perfectly normal, natural, and necessary canine behaviors (peeing and pooping) performed in inappropriate places.

Housetraining is quickly and easily accomplished by praising your puppy and offering a food treat when she eliminates in an appropriate toilet area. Once your pup realizes that her eliminatory products are the equivalent of coins in a food vending machine — that feces and urine may be cashed in for tasty treats — your pup will… Continue

List of Things Dogs Cannot Do While Chewing a Chewtoy

Posted on October 16, 2008 at 6:48am 2 Comments

Chew carpets, curtains, cushions, couches, clothes, chair legs, children's toys, electrical cords, and computer disks. Play-bite (or mouth) human hands, arms, legs, and ankles. Play tug o' war with trousers, skirts, and shoe laces.

Surf kitchen counters. Empty cupboards. Lick butter from the refrigerator. Trash the trash.

Dig in the yard for escape or enjoyment. (Certainly a dog can dig while holding a chewtoy in his jaws, but if really working on his chewtoy he will have little time… Continue

Comment Wall (161 comments)

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At 6:23pm on May 2, 2014, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Comment by Kristi and Mickey Finn on January 17, 2014 at 7:52pm

Hey Folks you need to add Rainbows End Puppies to California not Georgia. We got our puppy from Carol Mc Donald at Rainbows End Puppies in Clovis, CA off Doodle Kisses previous comments about the best breeders. Our puppy is excellent. WE picked him up almost a year ago at Carol's home. We met his Dad and viewed her facility. I even called her the other night about a question I had about Mickey Finn. She gives you a life time of support. Mickey Finn is the best dog ever! I would recommend her. Please fix and list Rainbow's End Puppies in California not Georgia.

At 7:38am on November 16, 2013, F, Calla & Luca said…
Just wanted to say I appreciate your advice.
At 4:35pm on January 25, 2012, Maryann,Roo and Tigger said…

Thanks for inviting me to be your friend.  You are one of my DK heros!

At 12:35pm on May 21, 2011, Jennifer and Jack said…
Your dogs are stunning looking!!!
At 10:27am on March 25, 2011, Taylor & Huff said…
Welcome to the Don't Shave My Doodle! Group.
At 9:18am on January 20, 2011, Linda and "Toby" said…
Thank you! *hug*
At 7:38am on January 20, 2011, Linda and "Toby" said…
Your doodles are SOOO PRECIOUS! :)
At 8:07am on January 5, 2011, F, Calla & Luca said…
Somedays they'd be welcome to my head. But it is an open to all to view site. I refrain from comments although sometimes a little medical knowledge wouldn't hurt. I notice other folks, not breeders, comment from time to time. I have learned a lot about breeding , which is very interesting. Enough to know to appreciate it all from afar.  I never would use anything against folks who are just trying to support, educate and enjoy each other.
At 7:49pm on January 4, 2011, F, Calla & Luca said…
Sargent Pepper is gorgeous!
At 7:30pm on December 19, 2010, F, Calla & Luca said…

I got Luca from Whispering Winds, Gail Widman and Calla from Royal Diamond, Babbie Holden. Babbie was a relatively new, small breeder but her mother is a breeder, Green Gables in NC.



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