Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OK, need to reach out the fellow doodle owners here, as I am at a loss. 

Trix is 9 months and for the past week, she has been having accidents in the house (and WORSE in her crate).  She hadn't had an accident in months!  On Tuesday, she was chewing her antler on the couch and just stood up and peed right there in front of us!   Then, the following day, I came home from work and she had pooped in her crate!  (she was only in there three hours and had pooped and peed just before I put her in there).  Then I wake up this morning and she peed in her crate!   Again, DH took her out just before putting her in for the night.

She has a large size crate for dogs from 40lbs to 70 lbs (she's only 31lbs) so I decided as a first step, I'll put her old divider back up for awhile in case she just started figuring out she has enough room to rest and do her business.  She has no blankets or towels in her crate either. Do I need to start taking her water and food away a few hours before bedtime? (like I used to when she was 10 weeks!) 

Did any of your doods go through this around that age?  I'm really starting to get discouraged.  I'm not sure where to go from here.

Thank you in advance!!!

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No experience here, but I think you are going to get comments about checking to see if she has a UTI...don't know if that explains the pooping in her crate, but from what I have read, the accidents could be a result of a UTI.


I am assuming there have been no signficant changes in your new pets, people, etc.


I would also post this in Puppy Madness group!

I'm with Dori and would definitely start with having her vet checked for a UTI. They can cause uncontrollable spasms in the bladder and the results you get are what you are currently seeing. It doesn't explain the poop incident unless the spasms are bad enough that they are affecting the entire area of elimination.  It just came on so fast it doesn't sound like something she is doing intentionally or has control over...

I definitely think you need to rule out a medical reason before thinking this is a behavioral issue.  Come back and post in the Puppy madness group if it turns out to be behavior for lots of good advise. 

My vet saw Trix today (she's my cousin) and she said that since she is not needing to go very often, that it is most likely not a UTI.  I'll bring in a sample this week if that changes.

I'll post on puppy madness :)



Parker did this a couple said it was a behavioral thing like him trying to get dominance or something! Well he's 11 months now and hasn't had any accidents (minus his tummy upset accidents last week!) but basically  if you catch her in the act, you let her know that is NOT okay and take her out immediately! When Parker did it, I caught him mid pee and dragged him out on his leash before he could even finish! The bathroom in the crate took a while for him but he eventually got over is as he started holding himself more and the only time he has pooped in his crate since was when he was sick and I was at work all day and couldn't take him out!

I agree.  I caught her on the couch and she knew I was mad! I'm sure it'll pass - she's usually so good!

Hurley did this a couple weeks ago, twice. Caught him in the act the second time, threw him outside immediately and told him he was bad, he hasn't done it since. Im assuming it was a behavioural thing, trying to do whatever he wants, as he is in the "teen stage". I can understand how this is discouraging, as it was for me. Make sure she knows it's not ok when you catch her in the act. Your simply going to have to go back to basics. Patience is key.. 

Patience is absolutely the key!  If Trix has taught me one thing..that would be it :)

Sasha and Oliver both had short minor setbacks when they were being potty trained, it all passed and only lasted a day or two.

I have no advice but I'm sorry this has started. I hope you can get the problem fixed.

Trix has been accident free, oddly enough since I posted for advice (go figure!!)

Thank you for your comments :) 


Sorry to read your posts...Good to know she hasnt had an accident since you posted...I do think that sometimes helps!  LOL


I hope the No Accidents continues & you have No more!



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