Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sara & Trix
  • Female
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Canada
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Sara & Trix's Friends

  • Mandy and Norman
  • Casey and Granger
  • BRADY  GOOSE  MOORE (Mini Doodle
  • Jess and Pippin
  • Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly
  • Jen & Ember
  • Pam & Trixie
  • Nadine & Tugg
  • Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty
  • Heather & Brinkley
  • Devin and Indy
  • Doris, Knox & Flash
  • Carol and Banjo

Sara & Trix's Discussions

Help! Trix started having accidents :(

Started this discussion. Last reply by Pam & Trixie Dec 13, 2011. 12 Replies

OK, need to reach out the fellow doodle owners here, as I am at a loss. Trix is 9 months and for the past week, she has been having accidents in the house (and WORSE in her crate).  She hadn't had an…Continue

Doodle Duties!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla Nov 29, 2011. 18 Replies

Hello all! I was wondering how the various duties of owning a dog is divided up in your household. Do your kids help? How about DH? Are specific tasks assigned to specific people?I'm just curious and…Continue

Cold Winters (boots? coat?)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jess and Pippin Dec 4, 2011. 44 Replies

Hello!I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba (in Canada) and it gets very cold here.  Already this weekend, we will hit the -30 mark with the windchill.  This is Trix's first winter and we've only had a little…Continue

Training walks vs Destination walks

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sara & Trix Oct 25, 2011. 13 Replies

I’m still hard at work with teaching Trix how to heel (and I mean heel, not loose leash). She is now 7 ½ months old and has been improving slowly, but consistently since I started formally training…Continue

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Sara & Trix's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I live in Winnipeg with my husband and we have finally added a little furry addtition to our little family. Suffering from severe allergies, I thought I would never be able to own a dog - but then I found out about Doodles! After testing my allergies with several doodles, I realised that this breed would work for me! Anyways - that's my story and I'm so happy with my little doodette :)
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have a Double Doodle (NAR) named Beatrix (Trix). She was born March 6, 2011. She is an only pet and she gets lots of love and attention from my husband and I.

PitaPata Dog tickers

8 weeks - 7lbs
12 weeks - 11lbs
4 months - 17lbs
6 months - 25lbs
7 months - 28lbs
8 months - 30lbs
9 months - 30lbs
10 months - 31lbs
1 years - 31lbs
2 years - 31lbs
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I have severe allergies - and they are so beautiful and smart!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Going for walks, runs, training and taking naps! She helps me train for my half marathons too - she has so much great energy.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
We brush and trim at home, but go to the groomers to get full cuts (The Pawsh Dog)
Favorite Doodle Products?
Bully sticks and tennis balls!
Relationship Status:

Sara & Trix's Photos

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Comment Wall (26 comments)

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At 10:38am on February 13, 2013, Jeff said…
Pawsh is the best!! Zoey loves it there. You have to go see Harry if you haven't already.
At 3:36pm on April 20, 2012, Buster and Kathy said…

Trix is so pretty! Her antics remind me of Buster. Buster's breeder has a new litter of Double Doodles - chocolate! My grandmother's nickname was Trixie!

At 4:34pm on April 9, 2012, Doris, Knox & Flash said…

Hey, Sara!  Thanks for commenting on Knox's pictures with the stupid bunny ears!  He is really glad that Easter is behind us, lol!  Hope you and Trixie are doing well!

At 12:23pm on March 19, 2012, BRADY GOOSE MOORE (Mini Doodle said…

Trix is one beautiful little love bug!   I gather she is a mini .... how much does she weigh now at l year?   Brady is 10 1/2 mos. and weighs 24 lbs.   

At 5:18pm on December 10, 2011, Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty said…

your sleeping Trix photos are awesome. She's just too cute for words.

At 7:45am on December 8, 2011, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
Good morning, Sara! Thanks for commenting on Knox's pic! He went into Petsmart looking like a Hairy Monster and came out a sheep!
At 3:01pm on December 2, 2011, Christine & Shelby said…

Hi Sara... you know what I don't know for sure - I wish I had been better about keeping track of her weight as she grew.... I am a first time dog owner and didn't think about it.  I did look back through some e-mails and see that I updated her breeder that she was about 25 pounds at 5 months.   Sorry I can't provide more information.  I'll keep looking and if I find a note to myself - I'll let you know!

At 11:50am on November 30, 2011, Carol and Banjo said…

Where did you get Trix's boots?    How high do they go up her legs?   p.s.   I just LOVE the pic of her sleeping on her mat with her leg extended way out.....she's so darned cute!

At 11:05am on November 30, 2011, Carol and Banjo said…

Hi Sara.....Thanks for the friend request!     And for the sweet comment re: Banjo's pic.   He got his shortest EVER grooming yesterday....I'm still trying to get used to it.   With the coming winter snow it's really the only way to go.   Drying off  all that long hair is nearly impossible so the shorter the better.    I am considering boots and a snowsuit for sounds crazy but I think it may be well worth the effort.

At 8:54am on November 27, 2011, Carol and Banjo said…

Thanks for the nice comments re: my photos.   I've had a lot of fun learning to take good pics and have Banjo to thank for that : )       When I was looking for just the right GoldenDoodle I had a vision in my head of one that looked just like your Trix.   Banjo's hair turned out straighter than I'd hoped....but, heck.....I just love him to pieces just the way he is!



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